
Primal Primers

Primal Primers form the bedrock of Left Coast Caveman, laying down the essential building blocks for following the LCC approach to fitness. This 21 Step lifestyle regimen combines daily primal motions, functional workouts, and intentional dietary practices, establishing a robust foundation for complete health and wellness. With each Step comprised of a Fitness, Nutrition, and Mentality component, Primal Primers initiates the individuals into a life-altering expedition toward comprehensive well-being. It’s important to note that Primal Primer’s do not “end” after the 21 Steps are completed. Each Step is a reminder that’s meant to be fully integrated into the practitioner’s life.

Back to the Basics

The First Three Primal Primers

Step 1

FITNESS: Daily Steps

Move your body 10,000 steps everyday. Specifically, 10,000 steps being 4-5 miles of targeted daily distance and requiring 1.5 – 2 hours of ambulated effort. Accrued benefits of walking include: increased fat burn, metabolic efficiency (better insulin sensitivity & less insulin release post prandial), reduction of physical & perceived stress, and the reversal of the unnatural front leaning C-shape our bodies stale in from seated sedentary conditions. Our ancestors spent a great deal of life in transit, on their feet, and in a state of overall movement, and we should too.

NUTRITION: Know Thy Numbers

Attain a no bullshit assessment of where you are at the first step or perhaps one before. Initial untrained intuitions are often misleading and unproductive tools. The practice of knowing your numbers will ground reality for future reasonable adjustments and path forward tracking. What gets measured get managed.

MENTALITY: Tao Te Ching: A Journey of 10,000 Steps Begins with a Single Step

Take steps and lay foundations of better futures to come. As you intentionally increase your daily movement in alignment with the Sapien Standard of 10,000 steps, you will inevitably use this time to contemplate the larger implication of what and why your true commitments are. The starting is the most important phase; imagine the possibilities born from the stem cells of a beginning.

Step 2

FITNESS: Sunlight
Take Vitamin Sun: Exposure Everyday. Short wave length light (UVB I.E. sun light) regulates the pineal gland shutting down the production of melatonin (regulating sleep / wake cycles), up regulating bone remodeling, sex hormone (testosterone & estrogen), and immune / anti-oxidant systems. Long wave length (UVA I.E. red and near infrared) penetrates deep stimulating skin healing & mitochondrial health. Increasing photon saturation from both UVB & UVA wavelengths activates a myriad of pathways in the brain and body with important implications to all facets of health, well being, and ultimate optimization.
NUTRITION: Intentional Eating
Shifting attention to intention will separate biased and often negative connotations that program unhealthy relationships with food. Remove the idea of “diet” and replace with “fuel”. Understanding why you are eating something will objectify the food; the why making fueling an act of logic and part of a plan. You should primarily fuel for activity, although consuming for pleasure has its time and place.
MENTALITY: Human Becoming
Humans are not static, but fluid in nature. As our consciousness condenses in physical
manifestation, we are thrust into existence with many options of expression (ascension or devolution). Do not acclimate
to simply being a human being; be a human becoming. Know that we are temporarily marooned on this earth for a reason;
and exclusively at the jurisdiction of the individual. Take this responsibility seriously and meditate on the gravity of such
an unreasonable gift and absurdly small probability of you consciously experiencing your current being.

Step 3

FITNESS: Kinetic Chain Alignment
Kinetic chain alignment restores the body to an efficient state of balance and readiness. Your kinetic chain is defined as interrelated groups of body segments connecting nerves, muscle, bone, and joints all in a state of reciprocity influencing brain and organ. Over time, accumulation of sitting and unbalanced exercise form & format can solidify into a constant state of dis-regulation, imbalance and subsequent compensation. A congealed state of dis-functional form limiting force production, while placing unnecessry strain on muscle, joints and connective tissues; ultimately leading to injury. The human body circulates life fluid (blood, lymph, nutrients, cerebral spinal fluid) all through an elegant and extensive network of hoses that pump mechanically through heart & body, it is easy to understand how a kink in this system’s hose can restrict health; so too can a kink in the kinetic chain.

Hydrate with pristine water. Water must be organic: defined as not touching plastic, and is thoroughly filtered by triple osmosis filtration, or direct natural source. Municipal water supply adds fluoride, anti-corrosives, chlorine and other state sanctioned chemicals in the interest of infrastructure and other questionable motives. Caveman eats organic foods, and hydration should be organic also.

MENTALITY: Align With Ailments
Aligning with ailments is a meditation of focusing awareness on your most accute or chronic health irregularities. This can also be done with the extra sensory contributions of modern medical tests (Blood pressure, cholesterol, cancer screenings, etc.). Gain vision and from here as you focus sensory dashboard between ideal and current. Aligning with ailments is not an act of resisting them. This is Tai Chi of moving in concert with the pathology; first understanding it whereby beginning the process of healing it. We can’t solve years of heart disease, arthritis, or obesity in a single day, but there are things you can do at this moFmFeFnt (concentrated intelligent movement and intention), that add up to proactive chemotherapy in efforts of resolving accumulated dis-regulation.
See the rest of what’s offered

Download the Full Primer Primers Guide

Sapien Strength

Sapien Strength is the growth minded phase of Left Coast Caveman protocols. Following the completion and continued adherence of Primal Primers, in the phase of Sapien Strength, participants learn increased degrees of ownership and direction in developing physical and mental capabilities. Through evolving exploratory routines, active and structured participation in philosophy, and layering in complexity of dietary approaches the Sapien transforms. Each facet of Sapien Strength has undergone thorough examination and crafting to harmonize with the human-centric ideologies of LCC. By assimilating the structure of Sapien Strength into one’s lifestyle, members of Left Coast Caveman open doors to heightened strength, crisp conditioning, and an improved quality of existence. The path to Apex continues through the evolution of Sapien Strength. 

Target Specific Areas of Your Body

Video Guided Exercises

Chimp Strength (ALPHA)

Functional strength rooted in core and emanating through limb grabbing fingers & toes, requires a multi-planar & jointed approach of load challenge, time under tension, and nervous system recruitment. 


Chimp Strength (OMEGA)

Functional strength rooted in core and emanating through limb grabbing fingers & toes, requires a multi-planar & jointed approach of load challenge, time under tension, and nervous system recruitment.


Sapien Strong Pre-Hab Protocol

The Sapien Strong Pre-Hab Protocol will utilize principles inspired by ATG Knees Over Toes Zero & Dense methods but culled down from a multiple day approach to a condensed day of a la carte pre-hab training.



Apex Actualization is driven by the principles of freedom, creativity, and legacy. A community of inspired participants who are ready to explore new vistas, and take chances with resonate action towards aspiration. Only through conscious and concise steps can one effectively bring one’s Life Unifying Purpose (LUP) to concrete consciousness. Apex Actualization members place strong emphasis on individual responsibility, compelling each person to take ownership of their journey, while leveraging an exclusive band of like minded sapiens. Additionally, this Mastermind Alliance fosters a sense of community accountability, whereby participants collectively support, motivate, and provide eclectic experiential perspectives. It is in this environment, one’s unique and powerful purpose becomes destiny.

Make the Shift Within

Consumer to Creator


Establish Strong Foundational Habits You Can Build Upon

Embark on Primal Primers. Lay new foundation through the trinity of fitness modality, mentality, and nutrition. In this indoctrination phase, we engender to remove the insulation of self deception and societal decay; facilitating your connection of mind & body. Completion and continued adherence to PP in your everyday life is critical to a strong base by which purpose is generated and acted upon. 


Habitualize the Development of Inward & Outward Strength

Reaffirm and build upon the newly laid foundation through the Sapien Strength protocol. In this advanced course, the individual is confronted with more comprehensive detail and intensity of rigor through the triune of fitness modality, mentality and nutrition. Sapien Strength will train into the individual the activating energy necessary for this journey of self discovery. Here you will develop and cultivate a sense of self authorship that is necessary in realizing your life unifying purpose.  


Cultivate Growth and Encourage Your Peers to do the Same

Further past completing and continued adherence to Primal Primers & Sapien Strength, one is prepared to participate in Apex Actualization. Once accepted into the AA cohort, strong community standards of actionable exploration, progress, and achievement are encouraged. It is in this phase, vision is sharpened and cultivated with the help of action oriented and motivated sapiens. We all contain the seeds to change the world; plant and water yours for the fruits of the future. 


   Achieve Desired Outcome(s) and Support Others Along Path


The whole is more than the sum of it’s parts.
