Ancient Fueling: Eating with Season

by | Feb 12, 2023 | Post

It is well established that we are all one species classified as Homo Sapien. Although natural phylogenetic divisions of race developed in concert, over time and influenced by variation of regional habitation. Through the majesty of evolution, the organism and environment achieved homeostasis; at balance of resource, climate, and region . And for this exploration of ideas, we will consider optimization of nutrition from the lens of seasonal and geographically based evolved preferences; initiating a conversation of fueling in alignment with subjective environmentally tempered histories.

The modern conveniences provided by grocery stores and online delivery are an amazing utopian advent of how organized food acquisition and supply chain has become. Unfortunately, this system has also been co-opted by the eventual corrosive forces that beleaguer any organization or hierarchy: the pursuit of profit and year over year shareholder growth. Now such availability of food once a gift, has become a barbed trap. Omitting the larger grievances with this system, lets focus on a oblique but interesting perversion of the natural order: the fact that we have access to certain fruits and vegetables all throughout the year and independent of season. A total upheaval to the cycles of nutrition and opulence that has been a comfortable companion to ancient humans since time immemorial.

Now I am uncertain that consuming broccoli every day is a bad thing, but perhaps if we follow the natural limiting factors of season and region in line with our own racially evolved proclivities, perhaps there achieved is a balancing of dietary input. And with a macronutrient balance, there may also be a vitamin and mineral optimization and storage that helps our bodies better perform in congruity with season and temperature.

It can be grossly stated that the majority of global land masses experience varying degree of season: winter, spring, summer, and fall. With seasons being characterized by scales of temperature, availability of sunlight, and resulting opulence of fruits and vegetables, generations of ancestors developed multitudes of adaptations of body to elegantly moderate with purposeful cadence. All ensuring survival and enough prosperity to propagate and see said progeny to age. That being said, our bodies must have been forged through human history to the rhythms of nutrients availability.


  • Most fruits & grains are available annually, although restricted by regional freezing patterns of weather.
  • Vegetables & are more so available throughout the year, although also limited in regions that experience freezing temperatures.
  • Animal meats are available all throughout the year.
  • Availability of sunlight is at maxim during summer and minimum during fall and winter; also contributing to growth density.

We can conclude from these presuppositions that animal meats are likely most consistently available independent of season. Whereas fruits and vegetables are only available seasonally (if we are going to ignore the advent of preserving and freezing). Diving deeper, vegetables & grains are more likely to be available in comparison to fruits throughout the year. To draw a broader conclusion, fats and proteins from animal meats are available all year and likely to be primary macronutrient, whereas fruits, grains, & vegetables are likely to be consumed in higher proportions in late spring, summer, and fall (sliding scale of course depending on severity of winter).


  • Higher consumption of carbohydrate (driven by fruits, vegetables, & grains) during grow seasons could encourage body mass “storing”.
    • Higher concentration of essential vitamins & nutrients occurred in tandem.
    • These foods also required lesser Kcal input to acquire through gathering.
  • Lower consumption of carbohydrate rich foods and a transition to higher fat and protein during low grow & colder seasons would likely establish a more ketogenic state (could engender a more savvy mind for hunting and innovation).
    • These foods would require a presumed higher Kcal investment to acquire through hunting.

This train of thought leads to further questions of if there could be benefit of adjusting food consumption in line with seasonal availability? Could there be an optimized state by adjusting macro & micronutrient dosage by season and year with periodization? Could this throttling of Kcal and nutrients provide a cycle of health from a more balanced mode?


  • Prioritize animal based foods in low sunlight and cold temperature seasons.
  • Prioritize increased fruits, vegetables, and grains during times of opulence, high sunlight and warm temperature seaons.

When we add in the increased complexity of race (categorized by lineage’s geographical radius over time) a factorial certainly adds degrees of limitation, implies biological preferences and responses to certain fuel types I.E. descendants of northern Europeans being able to digest milk sugars easily due to heavy historical involvement in herding, contrasted to other race’s lactose intolerance due to lesser exposure to this way of life. Although research could be inexhaustible in creating dietary strategies around racial weighting, this could be impractical as likely requiring genetic testing to verify. Also considering the amount of intermingling and acceptance this idea may be more averaged and less impactful; perhaps there is power of regression to the mean here though.

Diet is fun conjecture, and perhaps some science could be discovered, but at this time, Seek to find your way though what works best for you. Consider your goals, performance destinations, and let food be thy medicine.

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