BJJ Specificity Training – Heavy Side

by | Jun 12, 2022 | Post

In our BJJ Specificity Training, we focus on movement patterns with close links to grappling specificity of a heavy side control game. By combining specific technical movement patterns we prime the nervous system to increase efficiency of execution: adding speed to action in live-time and creating more efficient firing patterns for strength adaptations. This level of proximity to sport movement works global and local musculature systems involved in Jiu Jitsu ensuring strength endurance at the macro and micro levels of ecology.

Purpose: Muscular Endurance & aerobic conditioning: CNS training for Jiu Jitsu positioning with focus on side control game mechanics

SetRep: 4 sets, 1 min reps per exercise in circuit style. Recovery: 1-2 min rest in between in each 5 min round (simulating sparring rounds)

Tempo: Moderate – Intensity: Isometric holds should be maximal in intensity

Tool: Heavy medicine ball (kettle bell acceptable)


Handless Get Ups: Start in standing position and kneel down with left knee and follow with right. Flare out right knee and return to and standing starting with right side and then left side. 1 min.

Prone Scorpions: From prone position with hands extended and palms flat one leg will arch into (like tail of a scorpion) to the opposing side with sole of foot ending flat on ground. Head will turn to opposing side allowing hands to slide to accommodate movement but palms always flat to deck. 1 min alternating.

Strict Form Bear Crawl: Starting in quadruped position, keep toes active and knees with a papers diameter from the ground. in coordinated movement slide one leg forward and move the opposing arm forward. Continue with this coordinated locomotion.

Lateral Chimp Shuffles: starting in upright quadruped position (hold head high). grab the floor laterally with both hands and follow in a coordinated shuffle with the legs. 30 sec each side.


Side Control Pressure Drill: From side control position with hands in gable grip form, alternate driving shoulder into imaginary white belt. Hold isometrically for 3-5 sec. Exhale and melt into opponent. Alternate to other side and inhale in transition.

Side Control to Tripod: From side control position with hands in gable form, in a explosive movement blast off to a tripod position with active toes. Repeat.

Medicine Ball Side Control Clockwork: Using a moderately heavy medicine ball, 1. start in side control. 2. Transition from Side control to north south. Transition from north south to opposite side side control. End in mount, and finish with mounted arm bar. Each 9, 12, 3, 6 positions of the clock should be lingered in for 5-10 seconds with a isometric hold.

Side Control to Knee up: Simulating transition from side control to knee on belly, Keep the upper body with gable grip lock and and step up with one leg while keeping the other down. Should feel a significant stretch in the adductors. Alternate each side lingering in the stretch for 3-5 sec.

Medicine Ball Cartwheels: Starting in kneeling combat base, place the right arm as a support on far side of medicine ball (simulated opponent) and use the head to balance on the opposite side of ball while placing left hand in a support position in line with ball. Press off with the far leg with close leg following and landing first. Return to combat base and repeat on opposite side. Can work balance and core by seeing how long you can keep the legs controlled and in the air.

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