Slow Twitch Protocol – BJJ Endurance

Transcribing an interview with the “Kettle Father” Pavel Tsatsouline, the below protocol is aimed for those looking to progress their combat grapple skill conditioning (jiu Jitsu, wrestling, MMA); where the difference between victory and loss is often predicated on fatigue. Any practitioners in the aforementioned sports are all too well acquainted with the dangers of “gassing out”, and the subsequent inability to think clearly and problem solve when it counts the most. Being unable to shift in that high gear when the competition is most sporting can cost the win or limb. The below workout will help develop specific endurance keeping muscles fueled during the grind when strength endurance must be weaponized. In short, sometimes in grappling there is a necessary amount of conditioned violence needed to get the tap, points, or to just dominate. This is the spirit of the Wrestle Fuck. Follow link below for abbreviated version.


Sapien Strong BJJ Endurance

Sets: AMRAP: 30 seconds each side. 5 sets 1x per week.

Intensity: 45% of max weight lower body. 20% of max weight upper body.

Tempo: Slow – focus on contraction; just below full range of motion on the concentric and eccentric phase of rep.

Tool: Kettlebell (all performed single arm)

  1. Rack to shoulder press (shoulders)
  2. Rack squat (quadriceps)
  3. Chest press (chest)
  4. Split stance dead lift (hamstring / glute)
  5. Sumo row (back)

Using the kettle bell in the single arm configuration promotes unilateral focus on load along with opposite side being challenged via dynamic isometric stabilization; arguably being an equally important facet of conditioning for grappling & attrition type sports.

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