Content Consumption

Primal Primer 4 (Mentality)

Content consumption has grown teeth and legs; and we have become its prey. We no longer gaze into the stars (partly because we can no longer see them), or observe nature with keen eyes searching for opportunity or simply peace from being a part of it. Most do not meditate, write, or study, and although we socialize and grow bonds in real life, this life affirming activity has most recently been subverted by the impropriety of the internet, phones, and social media. We have lost sight of those closest to us, instead trading for the curated fiction of strangers.

Be aware of passive content consumption. Random screen scrolling and unintentional video feeding taxes the brain into a NPC (non playable character) state of being. Excessive quantities of sponsored and algorithmically charged content up-regulates our nervous systems while sedating creativity and deep thinking. Content consumption and creation is like a binary valve, when one is open, the other is shut. The slipstream of shorts and auto plays will dilate time while implanting false emotions and marketing products, all in the intent of altering your state of consciousness from being producer to consumer.

~Cave Implementation~

Assess and quantify how much time you spend on your phone and apps consuming content: what is your ratio of consuming to creating? Is this stimuli enriching or taking energy by influencing product purchase, or creating oasis illusions of fictional destinations and relationships? Utilize your phone usage applications to know Thy Numbers and act accordingly in response to it’s depth. Consider your product: writing, idea generation, project management, enjoyable creativity, or meditation. If social media is disconnecting more than connecting you with people and reality, then removing time vacuum apps, or enacting fasting for short term cleansing and reseting of reward receptors. If you are not in hot pursuit of your Life Unifying Purpose (LUP), fasting from digital distractions is a great starting place.

If the content is free, then you are the product

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