Cooking With Fire

Primal Primer 17 (Nutrition)

Cooking with fire plays a crucial role in the evolution of hominids into the form of Homo sapien, offering several major advantages that shape biology, behavior, and social structures.

Improved Nutrition & Energy – Cooking increases the digestibility of food, allowing hominids to extract more nutrients and calories from fuel. Unlocking caloric efficiency (cooked foods require less energy to digest) protein access, and reduction in toxins (cooking neutralizes certain plant toxins making a wide variety of flora edible & safe to consume).

Brain Development – Increasing caloric intake from cooked food is pivotal for the evolution of larger brains. The brain is metabolically expensive, providing this organ with necessary surplus of energy supports the continued process of evolution.

Reduction Of Digestive Effort – Cooking softens food and breaks down complex carbohydrates, making it easier to chew and digest. Direct evolutionary consequences include smaller jaw and teeth (freeing up energy for the brain rather than being spent on maintaining large chewing muscles), and shorter digestive tracts (shorter intestinal tracts conserves energy that is redirected towards other functions of brain development).

Fire Was Stolen From The Gods

Cook flora & fauna with fire. Healthy fueling is challenging if relying on pre-prepared meals. Removing third party processing contaminants alleviates risks of unintentional inflammation of industrial lubricants (seed & vegetable oils), preservatives, and other man made chemicals. Keep it basic: plants and animals adorned with simple seasonings. The Skills of a cast iron skillet or outdoor grill is time honored skill and impresses fellow caveman and cave-mates. Cook your kill, and kill it with your cooking.

~Cave Implementation~

Seasoned cast iron skillet, pellet grill (Traeger), or simple barbecue (Webber or Green Egg) makes flame cooking economical, easy, and tasty. Never use tephlon imbibed forever chemical disaster pans. Let your cast iron’s or grill grates unique and individual flavor be the signature of your culinary prowess. Low & slow is a conservative approach to most dishes; keep ingredients simple and natural: salt, pepper, and herbs. Be advised that most blended seasonings usually contain unsavory additions (chemicals & inflammatory oils). Use extra version olive, coconut, and avocado oils. Grass fed butters and animal tallows are also excellent options as non stick and flavoring ingredients.

Cook Your Kill, And Kill It With Your Cooking.

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