Primal Primer 3 (Mentality)
In all epochs, humans have battled ailments to achieve optimal performance for thriving and surviving. From injuries caused by animals and foes, poisons from misidentified mushrooms to modern self-inflicted maladies of inactivity, chemical exposure, and overconsumption—the Sapien is embattled in seeking optimal states of being despite inevitable entropy.
Long term surviving and thriving is contingent on swiftly identifying and addressing injuries and degradation as they arise and accumulate. Though our ancestors lacked certified medical establishments, they relied on knowledgeable healing specialists while taking personal responsibility for self-repair before returning to the hunting pack strong.
How to Align with Ailments
Aligning with ailments is about taking control of your ailments and not allowing them to control you. While we’ve made many advances in modern medicine, we often rely too heavily on it as first and last resort. Truthfully, many ailments are the direct result of poor lifestyle choices, and by zeroing in on these manifestations we can observe and adjust. Observations through notation, tracking daily factors like nutritional intake, sleep, HRV, and how you spend your time, will certainly help in managing ailments and erasing them altogether.
Ailment alignment is not an act of resisting but rather moving in concert. It’s about recognizing that ailment imbalances are signals, and with understanding, we can create solutions. The path to recovery isn’t always easy or quick; sometimes it requires more advanced fitness, nutritional, and mentality efforts (trained in the Sapien Strength program).
Investigation – Seek understanding. What are you feeling (symptoms)? What is different from baseline (can this be quantified)? Honestly intuit causal factors (we often know the activities or habits that lead to chronic and acute disease states). Begin by noting these factors—tracking them as part of your daily life.
Taking Deliberate Steps – We can’t solve years of psychological or physiological damage (heart disease, arthritis, obesity, anxiety, or depression) in a single day or with one action. But it all starts with steps in a better direction. Begin with small, healthful adjustments and interventions. Use knowledge from Primal Primers to guide and focus progress, not perfection.
Patience – Just as the path to dysfunction takes time, so too does healing. Take notice of small improvements, and build upon them. Healing is often the accumulation of consistent, healthful practices, and the gradual removal of maladaptive habits.
Seeking The Medicine Man – There are times when our investigative efforts reach their limits, and professional medical intervention is necessary. However, be cautious of treatments that merely address symptoms while ignoring root causes. The ultimate goal is always long-term wellness.
~Cave Implementation~
When experiencing mental or physical ailments, seek to candidly determine their root causes through notation and deductive processes. Often, lifestyle choices are major forces behind imbalances and manifestations of sub optimal health and performance. Honesty and action through adjustment are your best strategies in instigating healing. By aligning with your ailments, you reclaim power over your health; taking the first steps toward managing and overcoming.
Aligning With Ailments Is About Taking Control Of Your Ailments & Not Allowing Them To Control You.