Ancient Technology – Brotherhood

by | Dec 15, 2023 | Post

Found only by those seeking, lies the forgotten Dojo. Isolated from adulteration and influences of ephemeral culture, there lies sacred floors where ancient technology is taught. Within hallowed halls, generations have come and passed seeking purity in thought and practice; a deconstruction of societal sink, conditional detritus and waste from the after-burn of maligned conspiracy and perpetual profit. It is on these selectively traveled floors the symbolic Sensei provides lessons lost and truths remembered.

The young, open minded un-initiated seeking initiation through the learned master found only in the darkest and most hidden Dojo’s. Drawn by unnerving instinctual curiosity of what he could be, juxtaposed against hunger pangs of gnawing knowing of the unknown. A timeless trope found in the earliest of epics, and repeated in engravings, scribbles, typings, film, and revered as legend.

The first step to this pilgrimage is accepting one’s lack of knowledge and experience. The second footfall is unwavering trust in process proctored and path travelled. Next comes commitment and devotion to practice; the “way” being seen in all things. Finally, near mastery (a fictional destination) does the student embark on the role of teacher, inhabiting this lost dojo wherever he may be. The path never changing despite direction, obstacle or first person perspective.

Ancient Warfare Technology for protecting the Tribe: Brotherhood

“It does men no good to surround themselves with women; instead one must fortify with a strong line of like minded brothers.”


Todays’s popular cultural revolution supported by all arms of government (big business, education, and media) will heartily discourage strength in unity from an omni approach. Weaponized Culture motivated by forces seeking to disempower while grasping to keep power. All sponsored by those who have never been graced by Sensei or Dojo, nor understanding their role in the great cycle. No longer motivated by mastery, but operating from fear and waning. Afraid of losing power and frenetically seeking to keep, not by vying, earning, or innovating, but instead from positions of entropic scarcity, sensing the end is near. Grasping and abrogation are the tools only of the unprepared.

We are now in a phase where Weaponized Culture empowers the disempowerment of men. Legislation subsidizes the mandatory ratio of females in the C-Suite. Laws and incentives no longer keep us in a state where merit selection is judge. Normalization of disbanding the brotherhood in the name of equity and inclusion; replacing tribe with ideology. Progress claimed through forced cohesion of anemic fueled diversity. All attempts aimed at keeping men isolated, uninvolved, and checked out.

This tenet of strength and progress through brotherhood is not to be confused with further MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) propaganda. Females are critical to civilization, valued in the their natural proclivities, instincts, and like minded cohorts, they too are optimally productive and harmonious when absent of brain washed fake victimization and subrogation from the rapaciousness of maligned power structure. Nascent social engineering is destroying generations. Divergence is root to the impediment of society and slowing human optimization and thriving; balance must be regained.

Men must seek other men of likeminded ethos and spirit and answer the call. Sharpen each other through training, challenge, and insatiable thirst of betterment. Follow the path that leads to finding hidden Dojos and Sensei’s. Commit to rediscovering ancient truths: commit your life to learning, mastery, and leadership.

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