ATG Knees Over Toes Dense Review

by | Feb 5, 2022 | Post

For those looking for a bit more challenge while applying additional armor to the knees and ankles, the dense phase continues mission with progressing exertion along with exercises for upper body, supplemental mobility & active stretches. Although this phase is somewhat more “dense” in instruction correlated with increase in exercise complexity, a standardized theme of strength through length is guiding light when layering armor upon body. In Dense Phase, loading the lengthening (eccentric phases), and increasing strength demand during contraction against load (concentric phase) is priority. Although the dense phase is spanned over multiple days, I have only provided overview of exercises & instructions without the periodization. Further breakdown, coaching, and instructional videos from ATG is recommended by following link at the bottom. Dollars should definitely be invested in supporting Ben’s content and propriety.

Inspired by Ben and condensed to a single day workout, I’m sharing the Sapien Strong Pre-hab Protocol that I use weekly for active recovery. For a more practical brown bag list for workout companion, follow the link below for the ATG Knees Over Toes Dense Lite.



“Flexibility is youth. Strength is potency” -Ben Patrick

Warm Up

  • Reverse Out Knee Pain: Walk backwards with focus on knee over toe form. This will rehab / warm up the converse prime movers and synergistic musculature opposite to standard walking locomotion. 10 min.

Dense Reverse Step Up: Similar protocol as the Zero Phase Patrick Step, but adding elevation for the primary mover leg. Other leg will reach downward leading with heel; primary mover will bend int KOT position during loaded eccenctic phase. During opposing concenctric phase, contract quads and glutes reversing to straight leg position. Adding elevation will increase the challenge and range of motion. Adding load will further progress difficulty. 5 sets of 20 each leg, body weight only 6” heel elevated. 10 sets of 10 loaded.

Dense Nordics: Pinnacle in challenging the hamstring (muscle most used in horizontal speed) and can be scaled to ability as preparation for completing a strict nordic may take time. This exercise is considered a med-pack in reducing hamstring injury risk (generally during high speed running; stretching at high speed). In this exercise, back of achilles will be arrested / held down by various tools (Nordic bench, straight bar in rack, partner hold etc.) with body in kneeling position. Keeping the above the knees portion of the body straight (think L position), lower down forward controlled until prone flat (laying belly down). Likely you will be unable to continue loaded eccentric to flat completion initially, and will catch with both hands out lowering body to surface. From here engage the glutes, core and hamstring, pushing off with the hands and reversing out the position to starting through full range concentric. 3 sets of 10.

Initially start with a focus on the eccentric (controlling the speed of lenghtening) with goal of thighs touching surface before abs, and building to pushing off surface for the concentric, to eventually MSL (Marty St. Louis / hockey player) with hands diamond in the low back and glutes & core stimulating the initiation for return to start via concentric. It will require elevated surface to rest the chest when focusing on glute contraction for concentric phase. Regress further using monster band (attached securely behind and can hold in-front to reduce load and increase time under tension).

Dense Reverse Nordics: Working the converse of the Dense Nordic, this exercise will challenge the opposite musculature, with emphasis on quadraceps. Here a single joint movement (natural knee extension) will focus on the rectus femoris which is a bi-articulate muscle spanning hip and knee attachments This work is also incredibly effective at reducing risk of injury of the quadriceps complex.

Initially start in a kneeling position with shins and tops of feet (dorsal) against the surface. From the knees to the top body will be in a L position and straight. Moving from knee up, lower the body backwards with intent of upper back being flat upon the surface for the loaded eccentric. Reversing out, contract the quads, glutes, and core, concentrically move back to the starting position with the upper body all in one straight line. Reverse Nordics will require full body contraction, and provide a wonderful loaded lengthening in the eccentric portion with a stretch in the quads at the end between initiating the concentric. Regress further using a monster band (holding with both hands to assist in both halves). 3 sets of 10.

Dense Calf Raise: Opening up the calf and posterior chain using a slant board (stimulates dorsi flexion) and load. Start in slanted heel down toes up position, and lift heels off ground to end range in concentric phase. Can load with a kettle or dumbbell unilaterally or bilaterally. 5 sets 5 reps, or 10 reps if using both legs at once.

Dense Jefferson Slant Curl: Following the pre-opening from the calf raise, this exercise will continue to open the posterior chain adding the upper and low back. Starting on an elevated slant board with a kettle bell in both hands in front hanging. Beginning with rounding the upper back, shoulders elevated lengthening under tension in an arc to end range (goal of touching nose to knee). Slow opening tempo providing a progressive stretch as lowering, reverse in concentric phase to straight back. 5 sets 5 reps; using up to 25% M & 20% F.

Dense L Sit: Progressing up the body chain, The L sit will challenge hip flexors and abdominal anterior chain. In this progression to dense, ideally use a dip bar to suspend the body. Can also be done seated and with all body weight distributed on flattened palms of both hands. 5 sets of 20 seconds.

Dense Full Range Pull Over: Reversing out the upper body’s hunched forward lean, this exercise will open up the shoulders and upper back / with spine extension. Starting with mid back resting against a bench, feet flat and quadraceps parallel with surface. Diamond grip with a dumbbell or kettle resting on mid stomach, and extend arcing overhead with straightened arms behind head to end range. 5 sets 5 reps; using up to 25% M & 20% F.

Dense External Rotation: Working the shoulder’s external rotators. Sit on a bench with one foot flat on the bench and the other on the floor rotated out 90 degrees. Place ipsilateral elbow on knee (slightly internal with same side elbow on bench elevated foot) with dumbbell in hand. Rotate internally until end range and comfortable stretch (eccentric) and reverse out (concentric) back to start. 5 sets of 5; using up to 10% M & 8% F.

Dense Tibialis: Analogue protocol outlined in Zero, load the exercise either with available machine, floss wrap with dumbbell or can hang kettle bell off foot. 5 min AMRAP; goal is 100.

Dense Soleus: Analogue protocol outlined in Zero on KOT calf raise. Start in seated position with feet on a slant board (toes elevated). Edge feet forward to start in a slightly stretched position with heels coming up slightly. Add dumbbell weight to the top of each leg. Plantar flex for concentric and lower in reverse in eccentric phase 5min AMRAP; goal is 100.

Dense AGT Split Squat: Analogue protocol outlined in Zero, using added load with goal of keeping front foot heel flat (in Zero heel lift was permissible). 10 sets of 5 reps; using up to 5% M & F.

Full Range Dumbbell Bench Row Super Set: Bullet Proofing the shoulders with this alternating complex. Start in standard supine position on bench. With dumbbells or kettles in each hand fully elevated above body with elbows locked out. Lower to end range with orientation being mid chest range for best stretch (closed fists facing body). Super Set: move into pronation position on bench with ipsilateral knee and hand on bench. Contralateral arm holds dumbbell with same foot on floor; back is flat and parallel with surface. Lower controlled in eccentric and return to start squeezing at top touching dumbbell to mid chest. 10 reps each (5 per exercise); using up to 25% M & F.

Lateral Incline Pidgeon Pose: Using a standard yoga pigeon pose with the addition of elevation and or incline; elevation determines difficulty. Pose involves the leading leg to be perpendicular to body with hip internally rotated. Rear leg will drop into a lung and presses forward applying modulated body weight load to front leg. Can progress exercise by holding a dumbbell in contralateral side (referenced to stretched leg). 3 sets 30 seconds per side.

Lateral Standing Groin: Level 1 – back flat on the ground (x-axis), heels against the wall upright (Y-axis), allowing gravity to pull the legs to the ground initiating a stretch to the groin (adductors). Level 2 Assuming a split position standing, space the legs apart to end range. Hold the elbows and hinge at waist down and hold. Level 3 – Building off last level, return upper body to extension. Can alternate folding down progressing forward to touching head to ground all increasing load on stretched adductors while working the low back. Level 4a – This variant will begin from side position using a bench to rest top flexed leg (perpendicular to body) on top of bench with below leg below bench. Upper body will anchor on single forearm with top arm resting at the hip. Sag the lower leg eccentric load with body caving closer to exercise surface. Return to top position in concentric phase. Level 4b – Building off 4a, replace the stabilizing forearm arm and extend out with hand as stabilizing anchor. Lower leg hanging below bench will straighten as the hip and glute touch the floor in eccentric load initiating the stretch in top adductor. Returning to starting side plank for concentric phase. 3 sets of 30 seconds per side.

Lateral Quadratus Lomborum Extension: Preventing the low back from injury; specifically strengthening and lengthening the “side thrusters” involved in lateral back and fourth movement (think Mike Tyson Peek A Boo style boxing movement). Using 45 degree back extension tool angled side ways. Eccentrically fold to end range with feet staggered. Concentrically reverse back to starting. Without back extension tool, stand in staggered stance and hold dumbbell or kettle bell internally to lead split leg. Opposite hand will hold at the back of the head. Max stretch is achieved on the loaded eccentric and strength challenge achieved on the concentric return to start. The back extension tool will grant a wider degree of stretch. 3 sets 10 reps per side.

ATG Style Seated Good Morning: Straddling a bench orient feet flat with heels aligned front of knee (for optimum stretch). Keep back flat. Grasping a dumbbell or kettle bell, lower eccentrically between the legs initiating a lengthening in the adductors and lower back to end range. Concentric will return back to upright L sit. With the bar, attempt to touch belly to bench. Dumbbells 3 sets of 20 reps; or barbell on back for 5 sets of 10 reps; 25% for M & 20% for females.

Dense VMO Squats: Standard squat with feet positioned in slant board. In loaded or unloaded variations, at bottom phase of squat, top of thighs should be parallel with surface keeping upper body erect. 10 sets of 10 reps; 25% body weight.


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