ATG Zero Lite

by | Feb 22, 2024 | Post

Warm Up

Reverse Out Knee Pain: Walk backwards with focus on knee over toe form. 10 min.

  1. Tibialis Raise: Lean against wall with glutes touching and walk legs a few steps away keeping the knees straight. Secure a position where one can comfortably flatten feet, pivot on heels, and raise toes; progressing further out for increased difficulty. For increased progression consider wrapping one leg and converting to single leg exercise. 25 reps.
  2. FHL Calf Raise: Facing the wall, lean with both hands pressing forward and back straight. Take a few steps backward to comfortable degree keeping feet flat. Pressing the toes down (primary pressure on big toes), lifting the heels in the air. For increased progression, consider wrapping one leg and converting to single leg exercise. 25 reps.
  3. KOT (Knees Over Toes) Calf Raise: Stand arms length from wall for support if necessary. Similar to FHL Calf Raise with focus on knees sliding over toes. Progress as far as knees can lower forward; heels will raise and arms hanging by side with lower towards the ground. Lower body resembles a 45 degree Z from foot to glute. For increased progression, consider wrapping one leg and converting to single leg exercise. 25 reps.
  4. Patrick Step: Start in KOT Calf Raise position and extend one leg straight forward and slightly angled downward. As the opposite leg squats down (ROM is knees over toes here), extend the heel forward and touch the ground. 25 reps each side.
  5. ATG Split Squat: Starting in a a split lung position; Degrees of forward backward leg separation and position will depend on body type, flexibility, & mobility. (From both legs shoulder width standing, take a large step forward with single leg seeking KOT, rear leg will naturally lower as front knee slides forward over toes) Front leg will lean into a KOT position with aim of same leg’s calf touching hamstring (heel may lift). Rear leg will seek knee to lower just above floor; weight distributed heavily on ball and toes her (FHL conditioned). Upper body will straighten in upright position. If done correctly, one should feel an incredible stretch in the hip flexor. 5 sets of 5 each leg. 30 sec rest between each leg’s sets.
  6. Elephant Walk: Begin in a quadruped position similar to downward dog with palms on floor and pressure on balls of feet upon ground. Flex the quadriceps a press heel down (stretch being felt in hamstring) one at a time alternating. 30 reps per leg.
  7. L-Sit: tart in seated L position; 90 degree between legs stretched in front and upper body. Place palms on the side of each leg slightly forward with upper back rounding. Alternate lifting one leg at a time holding for 2 seconds each. This can be progressed to lifting both legs off ground and holding. Progressed further to lifting glutes and entire lower body off ground only being supported by palms. Last progression may require going back to 90 degree L sit. 60 seconds total.
  8. Couch Sit: Start in kneeling split squat position with rear leg’s knee on ground, tibialis flat against the couch in 90 degree relative to ground, and hamstring touching calf. From leg is in KOT position and upper body to a 90 degree with said lunged leg. Hips can be thrust forward accompanied with strong stretch sensation in hip flexor and quadriceps. 60 seconds per side.
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