The craving for human interaction creates itchiness of mind. An incessant irritation and graduated compulsion only to be ignored for so long. Inflammations compel a call to action in soothing scratch…even greater than the noose like chemical dependence of cold lager. It is at the brewery, senses are invigorated and allergy of isolation is histamine abolished. Resting beleaguered legs by barstool, thirst by hearty liquid, and mind by cooling alcohol. The humming chemical from beverage sets to rest the chaos of singular, shifting into an elevated humanistic gear by proximal companionship. Conversations heavy the air on levels of rapaciousiousness that only alcohol can tune. Spectrums of human emotion drift in cascading layers of density amongst a backdrop of communion’s harmony syncing with the buzzing bees of multiple glasses imbibed through mouth to brain. ABV fancies provide texture of silty turbulent wheaty rivers, dark jungled cacao stouts, and aquifer clear in pilsners. Each carrying its own variance of bubbles clearing glass, mixing and carrying stories through brew entangled atmospherical meanderings. Its here I am drawn. Although I’m not necessarily the companion of interaction with the hands holding glasses, but just a keen observer, holding appreciation in hand not nursing mug for the characters, stories, dogs, and oddly enough the shoes on feet. Everyone walks differently, feet feeling the earth differently, receiving the earth in their own ways. Its the heterogenous nature of beer and human I crave for reflection and a coalescence with the average; returning to the mean of human calculation. Here I am less alone, although my table & bar stool is for one. Cheers to the lonely ones who feel just a little more complete in the murmuring rustlings of brewery leaves.

Apex Actualization: Becoming the King of your Kingdom
What Are You Searching For? What Are You Becoming? What vision do you see when you close your eyes and imagine the life you were meant to live? This...