Beginner Dumbbell Protocol

This beginner dumbbell protocol is a straightforward introduction to strength and conditioning with the simple requirements of 2 dumbbells and the self affirmed purpose of becoming strong. The below workout will take you through a balanced approach to challenging critical large muscles groups in the most simplistic and effective way via movements patterns that are easy to master and time tested in providing results independent of ability or experience.

Purpose: Muscular Endurance & Develop Strength. Establishes Base For More Advanced Lifts.

SetRep: 8-12 reps each side. 3 sets each exercise; Recovery: 2-3 min after each set.

Tempo: Moderate – 1:2:3 (Concentric:Bottom:Eccentric) Intensity: Low weight to establish movement pattern and focus on form.

Tool: Dumbbell (kettle bell acceptable)

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