BJJ Specificity Training – Filthy Guard

by | Jun 22, 2022 | Post

In our BJJ Specificity Training, we focus on movement patterns with close links to grappling specificity of guard game. By combining specific technical movement patterns we prime the nervous system to increase efficiency of execution: adding speed to action in live-time and creating more efficient firing patterns for strength adaptations. This level of proximity to sport movement works global and local musculature systems involved in Jiu Jitsu ensuring strength endurance at the macro and micro levels of ecology.

Purpose: Being a filthy guard player will require more than just a white belt. This training will develop key core, hip flexor, and posterior chain musculature with a tangental focus on hip and spine mobility. Although a guard game will require the most annoying of skill (we’ve all been in a guard that was sticky filthy without escape) but most importantly focus on fatigue resistance as once the guard is passed the world looks a little dimmer.

SetRep: 4 sets, 1 min reps per exercise in circuit style. Recovery: 1-2 min rest in between in each 5 min round (simulating sparring rounds)

Tempo: Moderate – Intensity: Isometric holds should be maximal in intensity

Tool: Heavy medicine ball (kettle bell acceptable)


Dynamic Ducks: Start in crouched position with hands laced above the head (like when initially being cuffed by PD). Using small dynamic jumps, hop for 1 min.

Prone Scorpions: From prone position with hands extended and palms flat one leg will arch into (like tail of a scorpion) to the opposing side with sole of foot ending flat on ground. Head will turn to opposing side allowing hands to slide to accommodate movement but palms always flat to deck. 1 min alternating.

Downward Dog -> Caterpillar : Starting in downward dog position, maintaining for 30 sec to get hamstring release, walk the hands forward until in plank position. Suck the naval in to hollow position and hold for 30 seconds. Evolve position back to Dog. Repeat for 5 cycles.

Shrimp to Inversions: start with a standard shrimp escape and upon escaping, perform a gramby roll using the momentum. Repeat on opposite side. 1 min.


Banded posture break with Med Ball: Attach a resistance band to a static structure and grasp in both hands. From guard position with med ball griped between the legs (similar to an opponent), in one motion draw in the med ball and pull / row the bands (imagine breaking down your opponent upper and lower body with hands and feet. Release back to starting in a controlled eccentric motion and repeat. 1 min

Med Ball Cossack Squats: From wide stance position with medicine ball gable gripped at mid chest, squat down on one side while extending the opposite leg straight out. Back should remain upright and contract medicine ball 2-5 sec. Return to starting and repeat on opposite side in slow and controlled progression focusing on mobility of the adductors. 1 min.

Med Ball Overhook Hip Bump Drill: From guard position with feet crossed, upper body is flat with back on the ground; the medicine ball resting above the head with arms fully extending and flexed. In one swift movement sit up with ball while bringing in the feet in to flat and loaded position. The med ball with go to the side of the hip bump. With momentum, land in mounted position over the med ball and commit a mounted arm bar. Repeat on each side for 1 min.

Med Ball Triangle From Guard. Start with in supine position with. back flat and med ball in hands resting on ground above head in shoulder flexed position. Perform a sit up with med ball above head while flexing the hips with feet in air (think dead bug position). From here transfer the med ball from hands to between the legs in a dynamic motion emphasizing shooting a triangle. From here take a few seconds to cut an angle and grab one ankle simulating rubber guard control Squeeze in the isometric for 5-10 seconds an reverse out position slowly and repeat using the opposite side. 1 min.

Seated Med Ball Russian Wall Twists: Sitting parallel to wall at a close 1-2’ distance to wall with med ball on far side arms and legs flexed and close to chest, obliquely throw the ball against the wall and catch it focusing on the redirect. 30 seconds each side.

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