BJJ Specificity Training – Full Mount Dominion

by | Jul 5, 2022 | Post

In our BJJ Specificity Training, we focus on movement patterns with close links to grappling specificity of guard game. By combining specific technical movement patterns we prime the nervous system to increase efficiency of execution: adding speed to action in live-time and creating more efficient firing patterns for strength adaptations. This level of proximity to sport movement works global and local musculature systems involved in Jiu Jitsu ensuring strength endurance at the macro and micro levels of ecology.

Purpose: Congratulations. You’ve passed the legs… And somehow against headwinds armed with Super Saiyan Heroics, you’re now fully mounted and enacting the full sovereignty of sanctions; limited breathing, labored movement, and dangers of arm and neck. This training will develop skills that will further maximize orders In magnitudes of black hole gravity, bull riding balance, and movement patterns that will enable a quickness to securing the tap kill. In the game of full mount, there is no need to double tap; one shot will do.

SetRep: 4 sets, 1 min reps per exercise in circuit style. Recovery: 1-2 min rest in between in each 5 min round (simulating sparring rounds)

Tempo: Moderate – Intensity: Isometric holds should be maximal in intensity

Tool: Medicine ball & elastic band (Elite FTS band reco)


Hindu Pushups: Starting a downward dog position, fold down forward resting on forearms and allow the legs to follow in a scooping motion to a low plank (similar to crawling under barbed wire). Continuing with the forward motion by posting up on the hands with elbows locked and straight while keeping the legs in low plank (resting on tops of feet), emphasizing a comfortable arch in the L-Spine while maximizing felt stretch in low back and hip flexors. From here, reverse out in a wave like motion by leading with the glutes and pressing away with hands in flow, returning to the downward dog. Repeat for 1 min while lingering in certain stretched positions that feel particularly therapeutic.

Med Ball Cross Step: Using a medicine ball, start in a crouched combat stance. lung forward with lead leg’s shin touching ball while posting ipsilateral arm on ground with same side leg’s hamstring arcing / gliding over the ball in a sweep motion. At the end of arc, rotate off onto the IT band / hip landing with the opposing leg reseting the base; practicing pressure and precision in flow for top game. 1 min alternating legs.

Banded Curl & Press : In standing shoulder width position, step on the bottom portion of a fitness band while holding the top end in both hands (fists facing down) making a rectangle band shape from bottom to top. Maintaining neutral posture in spine with braced core, reverse curl the band and press above head in singular motion with focus on increasing end range of motion in shoulder flexion at the top (clean and press movement pattern). Reverse out slowly, fighting against the band’s resistance back to starting. 1 min AMRAP.

Clock PlyoPush-Ups : Assume standard push-up position. Lower down and press up with intent of blasting entire body off the ground while torquing clockwise, landing in perpendicular (or close to) to initial position. Repeat with intent of going around a clock and landing on each 15 min interval. Once an entire hour in degrees has been completed, reverse out counterclockwise. (2) reps of full circle travel.


Pails & Rails; S-Mount: Starting in a S-mount position (90 / 90), with upright upperbody, initiate with PAILS; front leg will press into the ground at max effort for 5-7 seconds. Following, elevate same leg to end range (perpendicular to floor) and hold for 5-7 seconds. Next we regress to the rear leg RAILS; driving the said leg into the ground at max effort for 5-7 seconds. Following, elevate same leg to end range (perpendicular to floor). Goal of this mobility exercise is to down regulate muscle spindles and increase overall range of motion to facilitate wicked S-Mount stickieness. Don’t let mobility rob one of positional dominance. 1 Min.

Banded Kettle Bell Swings: Looping a fitness band through the horns of a kettle bell, stand on the other half with both feet at shoulder width. Kettle bell should initially rest on the floor forward of the body requiring a hinged reach. Once secured, hike between the legs and drive the hips forward while squeezing the glutes and thrusting the kettle bell to mid body height. Reverse out with control against the accommodated resistance, intensifying the eccentric position of the exercise. 1 min.

S-Mount Banded Paloff Press: Affix a fitness band to stationary object and position yourself parallel & appropriately distanced in tension away form anchor (for desired difficulty). Lower body will be in S mount position (front leg perpendicular with band tie down), hands grasping the bands in one unit (fist covering fist) and extend in front of the body resisting rotation back to anchor point. From here drive forward on hips rotating the shins downward and extending the hips fully (think being tall). Reverse back to starting in slow control. Repeat on each side for 30 sec (1 min total).

Banded Prone Plank Pull: Affix a fitness band to stationary object and position yourself parallel & appropriately distanced in tension away from anchor (for desired difficulty). Take a plank position with band griped in far arm in reference to anchor point running horizontal under the body at just below chest level. Using a downward facing grip, row the band away from the body laterally to end range, returning slowly and controlled. Repeat on each side for 30 sec (1min total).

Knee on Belly Med Ball Transitions: Assuming a kneeling combat base, progress to a knee on belly upon med ball opponent. Placing hands on the floor above the ball for balance roll the knee and shin to the opposite side allowing the alternate leg to assume the knee on belly position. Secure upright position and repeat on the opposite side, alternating knee on belly side transitions. 1 min.

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