Pieces of our Past

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Primal Primer 11 (Modality) Our ancestors likely used calisthenic like movements for survival, even if they weren't consciously performing exercises as we understand them today. Hunting & Gathering - Functional movements like running, climbing, squatting, and...



Primal Primer 10 (Nutrition) As our progenitor species transitioned from aboral and quadruped, diets also shifted from primarily bugs, fruits, and vegetation to heavier concentrations of animal sources. Introducing a more protein forward dietary landscape continues to...

Self Talk

Self Talk

Primal Primer 10 (Mentality) Thousands of years ago, the world was an incredibly dangerous place; and our ancestors found safety in banding together. However, during solo reprieve, it can be assumed that sapiens engaged in the act of self talk; fully taking advantage...

Joint Health

Joint Health

Primal Primer 10 (Modality) The joint system of Homo sapiens exhibits significant structural and functional differences through adaptive pressures of new environments and opportunities. These morphological differences separating our physiology from earlier hominid...



Primal Primer 9 (Nutrition) Past primordial hunters valued and revered animal fats. Large herbivores such as mammoths, bisons, or deer's fat resources ranged from 10-30% of total body mass (concentrated and highly valued in the brain, marrow, and internal organs). Not...

Assess Thy Self

Assess Thy Self

Primal Primer 9 (Mentality) Sapiens come equipped with self preserving programing that acutely blinds personal aberration; as objective truth from the abyss of chaos can be detrimental to long term survival when viewed in excessive granularity. There was and still are...

Functional Training

Functional Training

Primal Primer 9 (Modality) Functional training for early Homo sapiens centered around activities enhancing the body's ability to perform tasks essential for survival. These actions would have included hunting, gathering, building shelter, warfare, and farming. It is...

Macro Nutrients

Macro Nutrients

Primal Primer 8 (Nutrition) Ancient humans did not measure macros, nor did they willingly diet. The landscape of fueling was quite different as availability and reliability of food was highly dependent upon season, hunting success, and ability to generate and store...

Garbage In / Garbage Out

Garbage In / Garbage Out

Primal Primer 8 (Mentality) The ancient detoxification practices of our ancestors spanned epoch and geography; all being deeply embedded in the cultural and spiritual life of these civilizations. Not only focused on physical health, but also about maintaining balance...



Primal Primer 8 (Modality) Strong trunk musculature has been a critical system promulgating our ancestors throughout evolution, while at core augmenting their ability to skillfully navigate 3 dimensions of elements and earth. The well conditioned trunk is defined as...



Primal Primer 7 (Nutrition) The fermentation of fruit and grains to create alcoholic beverages has been a practice occurring for at least 10,000 years. Entering the Neolithic period, agriculture practices developed, and so did intentional fermentation for the purpose...

Fear Orientation

Fear Orientation

Primal Primer 7 (Mentality) The human fear response is the result of millions of years of evolution, designed to enhance survival in threatening situations. This response involves a complex interplay of the brain, nervous system, and body, orchestrating a series of...

Mobility & Flexibility

Mobility & Flexibility

Primal Primer 7 (Modality) Yoga like practices originate in the Indus Valley civilizations dating back 5,000-3,500 years ago, whereby seals depicting figures in meditative postures suggest proto-yogic techniques. 2,500 years ago, The Bhagavad Gita presented yoga as a...



Primal Primer 6 (Nutrition) The earliest records of caffeine consumption dates back to 5,000 years ago in China where fortuitous leaves from a wild tree blew into an emperor's boiling water with revitalizing effect. In Ethiopia, a goat herder noticed his flock...



Primal Primer 6 (Mentality) In pre-literate societies, early humans relied exclusively on oral traditions to transmit knowledge, culture, religion, and history. 5,000 years ago in the Mesopotamia, cuneiform and hieroglyphics emerged, eschewing a more concise and...



Primal Primer 6 (Modality) Sleep may be one of the lesser optimized experiences of our ancestors as the world was once a more dangerous place. The inherent threat in any creaking branch, animal howl, or hominid shadow casted, created nightmares of potential real life...



Primal Primer 5 (Nutrition) Sugar in its many processed forms are modernly engineered slow burn plagues disguised as fun bubbly beverages and colorful packages adorned with animals accompanied by brain washing slogans such as "part of a complete breakfast", or shiny...



Primal Primer 5 (Mentality) The first evidence of written language known as cuneiform dates back to over 5000 years ago in Mesopotamia as accounting ledger. Going further back, proto attempts of communication through the use of art and symbolism appear globally 40,000...



Primal Primer 5 (Modality) Chairs, car bucket seats, Lazy Boy Recliners (ironically prophetic), love seats, and beds are artificially separating us from natural posture and connection with earth. Our ancestor's intimate linkage to earth from birth, death, and...

Artificial Avoidance

Artificial Avoidance

Primal Primer 4 (Nutrition) For generations, the genus homo has feasted on organic fruits, vegetables, and grass fed animals; fueling evolutionary forces leading to the most sophisticated biological processing machine in our known universe: the human brain....

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