Chimp Strength (Omega)

by | Mar 3, 2022 | Post

Functional strength rooted in core and emanating through limb grabbing fingers & toes, requires a multi-planar & jointed approach of load challenge, time under tension, and nervous system recruitment. The Chimp Strength series (Alpha & Omega) is constructed around a primary full body complex movement, followed by layering of 2 complimentary exercises with more specific and local targeting vectors of opposing muscle groups. This primate protocol is engineered work seeking to balance load challenges of skeletal muscle force couples and nervous system in efforts of forging corded steel cables of monkey muscle.

Tools: Moderately weighted kettle bell: heavy enough to require respect through careful attention of each movement; not light enough to perform power work.

SetReps: 3 sets each exercise; 6-10 reps

Intensity: Hypertrophy / Strength Endurance hybrid

Time: 60 min

Frequency: 1x per week (alternating between Alpha & Omega protocols)

Ignition & Cool Down: 10-20 min (before and after workout)

Note: In all exercises, focus tension in the hands and feet for grip of kettle bell and ground for stability. This will facilitate firing patterns of these often overlooked stabilizers and provide an irradiation effect that conducts strength to movement muscle groups.

Primary Action: full body highly challenging movement pattern initiated when mind and body is fresh.

  1. Single Kettle Bell Clean & Press: Targets lower body anterior chain (quads, glutes, calfs) and upper body chain (shoulders, traps, core). Highly concentrated movement requiring full body coordination and proprioception to execute safety and effectively through concentric initial phase through the reverse in eccentric phase. Start with kettle bell between the legs and handle angled nearly perpendicular to the bodies midline. Pull the kettle bell as high as possible up the midline (think same path as zipping up pants) while dropping the hips underneath to catch in rack position, and finishing the squat. Focus is on getting legs to do majority of the lift compared to arms. From rack, shoot the kettle bell above the head in a press while dropping the hips down getting underneath the kettle bell and straightening legs to complete the movement (using legs to do the heavy lifting again). Lower back to rack position and safety swing the kettle back down to starting position.

Secondary Actions: Increasing in targeted local movement patterns balancing out full body load challenge and adaption through antagonist targeting.

  1. Double Kettle Bell Renegade Row & Chest Press: Targets upper posterior chain (back, arms {pulling}, core). Start in plank position with kettle bells flat on ground at comfortable level outside of the chest. Both hands will hold on to the handles (running parallel to body). Alternate rowing single side in a downward arcing moving (pants pocket area) and squeeze into body. Reverse out to starting and complete same movement on opposite side. Once both sides are done, lower the body into a deep pushup with a focus on stretching the chest at the lowered bottom preload, and returning to neutral plank.
  2. Single Kettle Bell Split Squat Deadlift / Super Set Farmer Walk: Targets lower legs chain (quads, hamstrings {press & extension}, core). Start with legs in a left foot forward split squat position. Kettle bell is just above lock out hanging down in right hand; left hand is a balance anchor with fist creating tensioned irradiation. Hip hinge and lower kettle bell to comfortable end range. Reverse out with a strong contraction of glutes and hamstring. Ensure rear foot is flat and concentrate on using the posterior chain and not quadriceps.
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