Primal Primer 4 (Modality)

It is only within the last decade that the sapien has attenuated to a low demand, seated lifestyle. For thousands of years prior, movement was life. Much like a flowing steam, each elevated heartbeat was behind a foot step, tree climb, arrow shot, apple picked, and child carried. Today movement is intermittent, relegated to a gym, or worse at minimal between steps to the automobile or refrigerator. Our bodies are a direct reflection of this inert state: characterized as inflexible and tight, flabby and round, equipped with yellow pill bottles, and most of all without action potential for use in extreme or even moderate situations of urgency.

What is G.U.A.M?

Get Up And Move. The human body is designed to move, move often, varied, and at times in challenging ways. Grease the grooves that have long dried; a body in action will remain supple, and primed for action.

  • Digestion – Movement after eating mechanically supports digestion while stimulating less insulin production needed to drive nutrients from blood stream into cells
  • Caloric Burn – Intermittent bouts of movement of 2-5 minutes a day will increase the furnace fuel, and quickly add increment to your daily, weekly and yearly caloric burn. I.E. 100 calories burned every 5 minute session, 8 sessions per day given 16 hour period = 800 calories per day, 4,000 calories per 5 day week, and 208,000 incremental calories per year.
  • Strength – If your GUAM is strength based (pushups, pull ups, or any weighted modality) Grease the Groove: keep sets sub maximal (if max pull-ups is 10, do 5-7). Focus on form, emphasizing quality over quantity while reinforcing correct movement patterns. This training modality promotes neuromuscular efficiency (nervous system recruiting more muscle fibers), while reduced fatigue enables more training / time under tension in a less injury promoting way.

~Cave Implementation~

Get up and move your body every 2 hours. This does not need to be a well rounded workout or result in sweaty clothes. Seek out a zone 2 (light cardio state) or Greasing The Groove mode for joints, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, muscles, and nervous system. G.U.A.M can be a short walk, some pushups, air squats, yoga flow segments, or a kettle bell nearby activated with farmer carries, swings, deadlifts, or cleans.

From the whisper of a single drop, the ocean finds its voice small movement adds up to large movement results.

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