Increase Testosterone: T-Protocol

Testosterone: the male sex hormone that has driven civilization to the heights of the contemporary now. From fueling battle to keeping your tribe safe, hunting mastodons, to winning in sales negotiations, courting women, and being less prone to injury. This hormone is the defining characteristic of the male endocrine system and it’s important. Testosterone is known to decline with age (1-2% each year) and possibly more so in adverse conditions of poor diet, lacking exercise, and decrepit mentality. When optimized, men experience increased muscle mass, bone density, ligament & tendon strength, sexual prowess, mood experience, and win behavior drive. The below strength training protocol can be varied in exercise execution, but must contain a compound movement (using multiple muscle groups & joints). The intensity (80% max 1 rep weight range) and volume (10×6) is the rep / set mix stimulating optimal mechanical and metabolic adaptation = T Release. Do not increase reps or sets using this protocol as studies suggest this would contraindicate T_release.

Purpose: Boost natural (endogenous) testosterone release through resistance training

Rep_Rest_Set: 10 Reps*_2 Min Rest_6 sets*

*Do not increase reps or sets when using this protocol as studies suggest contraindication to T_release.

Tempo: Moderate – 1:1:3 (Concentric:Bottom:Eccentric) Intensity: 80% 1 Rep Max

Periodization: 2x Per Week

Tool: Barbell, Dumbbell, Medball or Kettlebell

Exercise: Any. Must be a compound multi-jointed movement

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