Left Coast Caveman Cast S3E69

by | Jan 20, 2024 | Post

Eat The Earth

0:00 – intro

1:39 – 1:49 what are primal primers

1:49 – 2:48 why we cast

2:48 – 3:39 modern hunting and gathering defined

3:39 – 5:31 eat the earth vs. influencer influenza

5:31 – 6:31 – eat with intention to survive and thrive

6:31 – 7:41 awareness of how far removed food is from the earth

7:41 – 8:27 *cave implementation* Apex Phase: home gardening

8:27 – 10:26 *cave implementation* Primal Primers and Sapien Strength: eating local, eating organic

10:26 – 12:08 mitigating between your back yard and large scale manufacturing while hunting and gathering

12:08 – 12:48 who are you outsourcing your hunting and gathering to?

12:48 – 13:53 the value of modern hunting and gathering to Consumer Packaged Goods industry (CPG)

13:53 – 15:02 debating the pros and cons of eating organic

15:02 – 18:11 LCC structure mirrors the levels of eating the earth (Base Level, Add Technologies, Apex Level applied)

18:11 -18:35 #lccmentality food is energy that fuels your path, manage your energy metric

18:35 – 19:38 higher level energy inputs cost more, what is practical and accessible?

19:38 – 21:28 *cave implementation* #nofear orientation, avoid influencer influenza, be aware of sourcing, adjust based on what is practical and accessible to you, upgrade within reason as you learn and grow

21:28 – 23:39 make decisions based on what’s practical and accessible, the most practical and accessible is #primalprimers #eattheearth

23:39 – 25:18 progress to Apex phase as you learn and grow, be resourceful

25:18 – 27:05 #lccmentality the positive energy you put into food promotes a positive output

27:05 – 27:44 manage the input energy metric, the positive or negative #intentionaleating

27:44 – 29:09 influencer influenza promotes fear

29:09 – 30:12 *cave meditation* Nikolai Velimirovich, Prayers by the Lake Quote; fear promotes disease, the further from #eattheearth the more disease

30:12 – 31:16 influencers sell the problem they solve; industries are created through creating problems

31:16 – 32:05 all food is eventually carbon

32:05 – 32:33 *cave meditation* #lccmentality manage your energy, don’t manage your time

32:33 – 34:21 wrap up *cave implementation* awareness of sourcing, upgrade based on what’s practical and accessible, #nofear orientation, manage your energy, keep it positive

34:21 – 36:36 clinger for next cast, washing fruits and vegetables

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