Make The World Your Gym

Primal Primer 15 (Modality)

Ancient Homo sapiens use their natural environment as gym in efforts of staying fit and maintaining physical conditioning necessary for survival; particularly for successful hunting and gathering. Their daily activities naturally provide wide ranges of physical conditioning, keeping them in peak condition and prepared for unpredictable environments.

  • Endurance Training – Being highly mobile and spending vast amounts of time walking long distances, and foraging for food & resources was the standard for most Sapiens throughout history. Constant movement builds strong legs, enhanced cardiovascular endurance, and improves overall stamina globally.
  • Persistence Hunting – Persistence hunting is a uniquely Sapien tactic, involving chasing prey over long distances until animals overheat and exhaust. This style of hunting requires a combination of endurance running and ability of sprinting when necessary.
  • Lifting & Carrying – After successful hunts, cutting wood, or sourcing fresh water, Sapiens regularly carry large and heavy resources to camp; all the while building total body strength and endurance.
  • Navigating Terrain – Walking through varied terrains such as forests, hills, mountains, and plains helps develop balance, agility, and adaptability. Climbing hills and navigating uneven ground strengthens muscles and joints while making them more resilient.
  • Climbing & Scrambling – Gathering fruit and nuts in trees, seeking vantage points, or stalking mountain prey requires strength, coordination, and flexibility through the act of climbing.
  • Throwing – Hunting often involves throwing spears, rocks, or other projectiles to take down prey. Regular practice of these activities builds upper body and core strength while improving hand-eye coordination.
  • Tool Use – The use of axes, clubs, and digging sticks requires repetitive motions strengthening the entire kinetic chain. Crafting of tools also involves physical labor such as chipping stone, bending and shaping wood.
  • Swimming – Crossing rivers, lakes, navigating ocean, or catching fish requires full body activation while building cardiovascular endurance.

Anywhere and everywhere is your gym. Conditioning the body and mind need not occur in pleasant plushness of contemporary rubber mat floors, with ergonomic handled weights, or under controlled climate…Perhaps it shouldn’t.

Consider daily training not under the auspices of establishment, instead trading for open sky space, driveway, yard, or park. If the gym is inconvenient, or duties keep you office bound, step outside and make the world your gym. Understand how our ancestors trained strength and endurance; resurrect movement patterns and protocols resembling lost activities keeping humans strong and supple throughout the ages.

~Cave Implementation~

Making the world your gym is brought to you by body weight movements, choosing the right outdoor venue, activity, and packing tools. Take a standard issue assault pack (any heavy Cordura fabric pack). Load it up with water, jump rope, fitness bands, 20lb kettle bell, or TRX. Anywhere and everywhere can be your gym. Without equipment, utilize children’s play grounds, park benches, trees, or earth.

Anywhere & Everywhere Is Your Gym.

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Fasting plays crucial role in the survival and thriving of ancient Homo sapiens by promoting adaptability, resilience, and physiological benefits in environments where food is not always available. Scarcity is a tool that activates a cascade of genetic pathways sharpening the ephemeral hunter and gather; switching on the most efficient and effective surviving being ever to grace this earth.

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