Overnight Organic Oats

by | Feb 28, 2024 | Post

Oats originated in the fertile crescent of present day Turkey, Syria, and Iran, 4,000 years ago. Amongst the first cereals introduced into mass cultivation by ancient civilizations, due to their adaptability and nutritional value. Oats eventually became a staple in Europe and North America; continuing in popularity even today. Along the way, this food staple evolved through the technique of steeping overnight in liquid, and becoming an ancient recipe of substantial taste, versatility, and efficient fueling.

Oat Source Matters

Source oats that are organic, glyphosate free, and without added flavor. Many “reputable” and popular oat brands add fortifications (code for chemicals), sugars, and preservatives all under the umbrella of being part of a complete breakfast.

Source Your Own Soak: Choose Nutrients, Not Pesticides

Benefits of oats are often rendered pernicious when genetically modified and imbibed with glyphosate pesticides (antibiotics). These synergistic chemicals create genocide within the body, targeting and destroying keystone microbiota colonies and releasing endotoxins. All the while degrading mucosal linings, creating gaps in the gut membranes (AKA leaky gut), and allowing in a flood of liberated endotoxins and systemic inflammation.

Benefits Of Overnight Oats

Fiber: Helps lower cholesterol and regulate blood sugar by slowing digestion and absorption of carbohydrates.

Nutrient Dense: Containing various vitamins and minerals such as manganese, phosphorous, magnesium, and essential B vitamins.

Efficient Fuel: Load your glycogen stores with high quality octane to be called upon during all phases of endurance and strength training.

Oat Preparation

  • Source Sprouted: Sprouted grains have been germinated; during this process enzymes break down starches ad proteins and making them easier to digest.
  • Soaking oats: Steeping oats overnight in liquid further breaks down the starches, making them easier to digest and creating tasty texture. Additionally, stacking nuts, seeds, proteins, and spices creates flavor variety and increases nutrient benefit.

Overnight Organic Berry Oats

  1. 1-1/3 cup of organic sprouted oats.
  2. 1/2 cup of filtered water (or choice of steeping liquid: oat milk, cashew milk, almond milk, etc.).
  3. Spices: choose from cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, clove, cardamom, salt, or stevia.
  4. Mix together thoroughly.
  5. Add your choice of berry: choose raspberry, blueberry, blackberry, etc.
  6. Refrigerate overnight.

Protein & Meal Replacement Considerations

  • Collagen, plant based protein, or aminos: all are low in calorie while adding anabolic nutrients.
  • Whey proteins are higher in protein and more complete, although higher in calorie load.
  • For meal replacement, consider steeping in half and half, oat milk, cashew milk, almond milk, etc.
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