Primal Primers is the foundational lifestyle program of Left Coast Caveman, designed to establish essential building blocks for Supreme Being. This 21-step lifestyle regimen combines daily fitness, nutritional, and mentality practices that are practical, accessible, and easy to implement. Here’s a breakdown of our core modalities:
Fitness: Focuses on functional exercises, primal movement, and daily practices that enhance the physical body.
Nutrition: Emphasizes intentional eating habits, fueling strategies, and cautionary protocols for the food and beverages we consume.
Mentality: Incorporates philosophical exploration and mindset development to properly orient your mind.
This program aims to initiate individuals into a comprehensive approach to well-being, integrating physical activity, nutrition, and mental aspects. Primal Primers is not meant to end after 21 steps but rather to be fully integrated into the practitioner’s lifestyle, serving as a continuous reminder of foundational practices that are rooted in the primitive human experience, time tested, and proven effective.
How it Works
- Join The Cave to gain access to all Primal Primers course content (it’s free!).
- Setup your username, password, and login to the Cave.
- Launch the course material by clicking the launch button below or clicking each step individually.
- Engage the course materials (articles, videos, summaries) to gain understanding of each modality within each step.
- Demonstrate your understanding by taking module quizzes, chatting within the module forums, and posting your “proof” of engagement within the module forums.
- Each activity listed above earns you “Cave Coin.” Accumulate Cave Coin to earn higher badges, greater access to events, tools, and gear within the LCC community, or exchange them at our store to purchase Cave Approved products and services.
Program Overview
Step # | Fitness Modality | Nutritional Modality | Mentality |
1 | Daily Steps | Know Thy Numbers | Journey of 1,000 Miles |
2 | Sun Exposure | Intentional Eating | Human Becoming |
3 | Kinetic Chain Alignment | Water | Align with Ailments |
4 | Get Up and Move (GUAM) | Artificial Avoidance | Content Consumption |
5 | Grounding | Sugar | Writing |
6 | Sleep | Caffeine | Reading |
7 | Mobility | Alcohol | Fear Orientation |
8 | Core | Macro Management | Garbage In Garbage Out |
9 | Functional Movement | Fats | Assess Yourself |
10 | Joint Health | Protein | Inner Dialogue |
11 | Calisthenics | Carbohydrates | Path Finding |
12 | Time Under Tension | Modern Hunting & Gathering | Alliance Development |
13 | Anaerobic Training | Reading Labels | Mirrors & Scales |
14 | Sweat Til’ You’re Wet | Fueling Consistency | Time Awareness |
15 | Make the World Your Gym | Fasting | Commit to the Calendar |
16 | Steady Progression | Food Avoidance | Systematize Goals |
17 | Aerobic Training | Cave Cooking | Entertainment Fast |
18 | Breathing | Meal Prep | Truth Training |
19 | Cold Exposure | Meat & Fish | Problem Solving |
20 | Heat Exposure | Eat the Earth | Spiritual Orientation |
21 | Central Nervous System | Eating Organic | Meditation |