Steady Progression

Primal Primer 16 (Modality)

Homo Sapien global dominance can be understood in part through the concept of loading; more specifically Steady Progression – a principle of physical and mental training where gradual and sustained challenge leads to adaptation and improvement over time. In evolutionary and survival context, sapiens applied this principle naturally and in various ways enhancing adaptability and resilience.

  • Cognitive Development – Constant environmental challenges acted as forms of progressive cognitive overload. Early humans were forced to develop problem solving skills to adapt to changing climates, landscapes, and ecosystems. Every new environment whether the savannas of Africa, Ice covered plains of Europe, or jungles of Southeast Asia, presented different challenges requiring improved planning, toolmaking, and innovation. This incremental adaptation enhanced cognitive abilities over generations.
  • Physical Adaptations To Environment – Sapiens underwent progressive physical overload as they migrated and adapted to various environmental extremes. The physical demands of different terrains require continuous adjustments in strength, endurance, and health.
  • Social Complexity & Cooperation – Social structures and cooperation also evolves through a form of progressive overload. As Homo sapiens began living in larger and more complex groups, challenges of managing social dynamics increased, requiring greater emotional intelligence, empathy, and social cohesion.
  • Technological Innovation – Technological progression occurs as humans face continuous challenges. The need for better tools, weapons, shelters and clothing in harsher environments leads to steady processes of experimentation, trial, and improvement. This process mirrors progressive overload in its incremental nature – each new tool or innovation is built upon previous inventions.
  • Cultural Evolution & Knowledge Transmission – The need to pass on knowledge, traditions, and survival techniques to future generations leads to progressive overload of cultural practices. As each generation accumulates more knowledge, tools and skills, the pressure to maintain and enhance this knowledge base grows, leading to development of rituals, storytelling, and innovation through collective learning.
  • Warfare & Conflict – Competition for resources and territorial control likely contributed to the progressive overload in conflict and warfare. Sapiens constantly adapt to threats, developing more effective weapons, strategies, and social structures to defend their groups. This pressure from external threats force humans to innovate in terms of strategy, leadership, and cooperation; ultimately leading to the dominance of Homo sapiens over other species such as Neanderthals.

Progress requires steady progression. The ways are many for sapiens to level up a spectrum of attributes in efforts of being a little bit better everyday; and it all starts with increasing challenge and adapting over time. The below content outlines one specific strategy for using the concept of steady progression in the context of strength training and adding weighted exercises for strength adaptations.

Strength Specific Steady Progression

Augmenting your strength programs beyond body weight requires the addition of strategic weight based loading. Step Loading is the gold standard of traditional weight strength training, whereby your body adapts by getting stronger and increasing muscle and nerve composition sustainably with lesser risks of injury. Step loading allows strength adaptations to solidify while muscles, tendons, ligaments, and neuromuscular system are able to catch up in recovery. Step loading provides sustainable results with less risk of injury and sickness (indicators of overtraining) and will resoundingly keep your progress on track.

~Cave Implementation~

Step loading is 3-4 week intervals of progression. Initial 3-4 weeks is spent establishing base weights and mastery of movement patterns. Strength gains and muscular development are acute for anyone new to loaded training; economy of motion through technique and neuromuscular pathway development contribute significantly in this phase. During the next 3-4 weeks, increase your sets and or reps. Subsequent 3-4 weeks is when increasing weight load is appropriate. Listen to your body intuitively and use heart rate variability (HRV), sleep quality, and overall soreness to gauge potential overtraining. Getting in front of injury and sickness will substantially keep your improvements on track

Progress Requires Steady Progression.

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