Reflective Tool Use

Primal Primer 13 (Mentality)

The discovery of using reflective properties of water was adapted long before the modern mirror. This ability to discern our self image as distinct and in arguably objective assessment provides insights and meditations on the connection of who we feel we are and what we and others actually see; the dichotomy of I and self being a fragmented juggle. Being highly visually oriented and social beings, the ability to adjust appearances via short and long term restitutions through grooming and protocols of improvement gives important leverage in the internal and external marketing of the self.

Self Awareness & Grooming

Personal Reflection – Only still water provides clarity in reflection; outside of this axiom’s deeper meaning, physical reflections are important for guiding skin grooming, hair cleaning, and parasite removal.

Adornment – Personal adornments such as jewelry, body paint, or tattoo decoration is guided self sight. These visage accessories serve to accentuate, communicate, and individualize; all being important non-verbal communications that happening in the sub and conscious wavelengths of awareness.

Master Reflection

Use tools, but do not allow them to use you. Using technology to monitor and adjust through self assessment can be a powerful tool of self audit and optimization. Mirrors and scales give a conditional albeit useful metric of appearance and body composition; helpful in tracking progress and regression. However risky, as pathological practice quickly degrades application. Use self reflective tools with the idea of minimum effective dose. Our ancestors saw themselves through pristine ponds and streams practically and when conditions provided; likely not as ritual or compulsive habit.

~Cave Implementation~

Weight management requires weighing one self no more than 1x per week (critical to be day part and clothing consistent). Use Mirrors in the morning or after showering; following intermittent glances periodically ensuring desired order. Be wary of self worship or loathing encouraged by scale and mirror.

Use Tools, But Do Not Allow Them To Use You.

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