Run the “Everything is Bullshit” Program

by | Feb 15, 2022 | Post

In case of emergency, break glass and push button. This situation manifests organically when you need it most; at different times, places, and head spaces. But when it arrives, there is no ignoring the pebble in the shoe. And as the miles grow long the shoe soles become weary and thin as incessant irritation deepens as hooks reach past barb. Although there are many who deploy righteous callous, nerfing the mind from this queer feeling of unfit and odd angle, there are many who acknowledge and heed attention; those who gaze into the chimeric abyss and feel the charged chill as it returns one back. It is in hearkening reflection that it becomes necessary to run the Everything is Bullshit software?

This proprietary software provides a filter by which we can categorize our motives & actions to determine their true source and implication of meaning; an audit of authenticity. As it is, many commonly fall into pattern without strong compass, becoming disoriented despite “direction” and lost in it. And in desperation of direction, we clasp onto the first cardinal path that in facade provides purposeful travel and sustenance; staving off hunger pangs just barely enough. This anchoring can manifest as career opportunity, relationships, social cause, and likely many more.

It is from this filtration that we can delaminate the card of causes to see and recalibrate what matters and what doesn’t. Is it bullshit or not?

Running this program provides a self derived consternation and immediate valuation with clearly derived parameters: this is bullshit, or this is not bullshit. Similar to the premise of word association, this must be a rapid fire questioning, that sequesters quick answers, as the mind is apt to provide thorny and often unproductive tangled debate when provided with degrees of grid, options, and upon a background of coersive conditioning.

Try it out with the macro and can fine tune to the micro. For instance: is your job, or career bullshit? I’ll bet you can answer that rather quickly despite the cross-hatching of cognitive dissonance that may have calcified over time. What about a friendship? Your role as a provider? Community positions? You’d be surprised how quickly and honestly these questions can be answered. Most impact fully, when you arrive at this conclusion, give it fuel and say it aloud. “My job as senior blah blah director blah blah sales blah manager blah associate blah blah partner blah is bullshit”. Hard stop.

Next think about the other time fillers in your day from hobby, chore, or item. Is making your bed bullshit? What about that ottoman? Those knick knacks, or memorabilia? The next thing you have teed up in Amazon shopping cart? Run it through your books, social mores, trends, and clothes. Perhaps your phone apps. Is your phone bullshit? Once your radar bleeps on the direct proximity of bullshit, and as you say it aloud, there is a palpable sensation of atomic alignment in what is being said, thought, and believed. You will know without equivocation, and there is blissful beauty in this simple signal.

The first step to solving any problem is identification of said problem. And intrinsic to this program, you’ll quickly categorize what is bullshit and what is important. From here you can act on the bullshit. A trash can is a great start both physically and in metaphor (as sometimes you can’t just throw your job away, but you can mentally shit can it). Soon you’ll notice space. And with this space there is more oxygen. And with this oxygen you can better breath, and with this increased space you can better see. And with this lightening (physically) and enlightening (mentally) you are now poised upon vistas of fertile grounds for higher quality thought, reception of inspiration; with optimum momentum driving towards a plotting of renewed path.

I think back to watching an MTV video music award where a talented singer named Fiona Apple gave her acceptance speech. And with this speech, she was clearly running the everything is bullshit application as she listed out all that was bullshit with the award and ceremony….and quickly before being self “hooked” rattled off what was of substance. There is magic in taking inventory, blurting out truths before the censor program kicks on. There is joy at this juncture of honesty and action.

Maybe the act of reading this topic was also bullshit…

Be wary of bullshit.

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