Second Sweat

by | Oct 12, 2023 | Post

There comes a time in a mans life when he must evaluate his domain of skill, physicality, and output. The questions we all need to periodically ask: am I where I should be? Am I worthy of being at the tip of humanities spear?…..Would my ancestors be proud?

This line of questioning strikes deep as it should. Only the initiated sink barbs into inquiries and come out the other side with adjusted and positive action. It’s hard to change what we don’t know, and It’s arduous to level up against headwinds of environment and gene. However convoluted causation may be, we always have the ability to adjust and up up-regulate effort: enter the second sweat.

Modern recommendations of physical exertion fall far short of exceptional levels of achievement. Anyone that makes it this far at LCC knows this as sacred truth. After we log that first hour of regularly scheduled check marked exertion, we feel relief of doing what’s necessary to maintain while ideally moving the needle of progress successively forward. Naively, we believe in our efforts while mingling with doses of cognitive dissonance; blinding ourselves from subtle decay, short falling in accomplishment, and softening of soul. Second sweat is a counter culture pro-gain movement that queries: can you do more and should you? The answer each and every time is a resounding and honest yes. The presentation of this question alone answers it.

Second Sweat is true inquisition and agentic of change. The introduction of your second workout for the day sharpens the mind and body despite increased ache and languor as the body and mind adapts to demand. Second Sweat is a fast track to results: systemic shock, while creating caloric deficits, increments of time under tension, all aggregating significant progress. The hardest part to any workout is showing up. Can you do it twice in day?


Second Sweat is a philosophy that requires a sensible approach. This is not a license to smash weights recklessly, or compound road work following long distance morning training. Second Sweat requires a high degree of periodization that will engender accelerated results without injury and overtraining. Periodization is key. Understanding your goals, and how different modalities of training can exist in a synergistic state leads to augmenting adaptation and catalyzing results.

Conjugate Examples (there exist many types; start with your why and reverse engineer the how):


AM: Max Strength Work / PM: Vinyasa Yoga


AM: Power Work / PM Zone 2 Cardio


AM: Zone 2 Cardio / PM: Isometrics & Rails / Pails

Jui Jitsu

AM: Drilling & Hard Sparring / PM: Yin Yoga

The conjugate split examples can be applied to innumerable permutations; all of which operate with a few guidelines:

  1. Always initiate the first workout as the hardest workout
  2. The second workout should be complimentary; working opposite muscle groups or
  3. The second workout should be active recovery oriented.

Embrace your Second Sweat.

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