Self Talk

Primal Primer 10 (Mentality)

Thousands of years ago, the world was an incredibly dangerous place; and our ancestors found safety in banding together. However, during solo reprieve, it can be assumed that sapiens engaged in the act of self talk; fully taking advantage of many cognitive and survival benefits from our evolved and complex system of word.

  • Problem Solving & Planning – Self talk allows individuals new dimensions to approach problems. Early humans may have used this strategy to plan hunting ventures, tool making, or navigation.
  • Memory Enhancement – Talking to oneself reinforces memory by verbalizing thoughts or repeating information. This could have been helpful in remember the location of resources, or steps for creating tools.
  • Emotional Regulation – Management of emotions by self talk helps with processing and coping with stressors such as fear, frustration, and sadness. This tactic could be especially beneficial in allowing early sapiens to remain calm and focused in times of chaos.
  • Behavioral Control – Through verbalizing rules, instructions, intentions, religions, and history, individuals can better control actions and impulses.
  • Enhancing creativity – Self talk can stimulate creative thinking by allowing individuals to explore perspectives and ideas, leading to innovative solutions to challenges inherent in novel environments.

Talk to yourself; and if compelled write it down. Affirmations give resonance to the antecedent of ingenuity and progress. Positive and productive conversations spoken solo are fuel to mind and path. Similar to prayer, the spoken word creates motion in air molecules, words actually changing the atmosphere, energizing it and making it real. Electrify the atmosphere with currents of idea forging and solidifying a future self and a more solvable world.

~Cave Implementation~

Each day, give life to your ideals and goals by any chosen modality of affirmation. Energize the atmosphere by verbalizing who you are and will be; affirm yourself. Solve and rework problems that are in need of solutions.

Words Create Maps of Meaning; Ethereal Scratch Paper Of Formulae That Can Amplify, Reinforce or Create.

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