Sunlight Exposure: Take Vitamin Sun Everyday

by | Mar 5, 2023 | Post


93 million miles from earth resides the bright orange ball. A fusion reactor that has been providing most all life on earth with direct and indirect energy since interminable beginning. From fusion ignition, there was light. And from this light fuels photosynthesis, purveyor of habitable global temperature, and critical nudgings to optimum human endocrine function (via the organ of our skin). The star nearest us has been companion to all iterations of man from Homo Habilis to Homo Sapien. 100% of all our human ancestors were in observance and perhaps worship of this sun. Providing cardinal direction of east and west, the interregnum of danger laden darkened nights; evaporating menacing shadows and ambush points concealing nefarious man and beast. The sun and it’ rightfully positive metaphors go on to the degree of perhaps being a true god worthy of worship. After all, It was God who said let there be light; and we are all made from ancient furnaces of supernova who have in rapture spewed constituent parts by which coalesced into what we are right at this very moment.

This massive structure so essential for our very existence has become a floating artifact often ignored and recently avoided (both intentionally and unintentionally). When we think of our historic exposure to sunlight, it must be assumed to have been plentiful and mostly unavoidable. In fact, this was probably the safest time to travel, hunt / gather, and conduct intricate work requiring keen eye and visibility. Fast forward to the 21st century, and we find ourselves mostly in absence of photon reception. Today we mostly hang clothes off limb, reside under structure, travel in automobile, work under structure, and return home each day cloistered. Worse yet, when we do have planned exposure we slather on chemical blockers, strap on those cool polarized Ray Bans, affix hat to head, all with the healthful intent of avoiding cooking the skin and stimulating perverse cell proliferation in the direction of mutation. We unassumingly avoid the one of the most potent nutrient stimulators.

Admittedly, I am often weary of using highly marketed chemical solutions to problems, especially those rocketed by constructed psychological ad campaigns heralded by captured & often too busy MD’s, while educational institutions and their mills of pharma sponsored studies touting the gold standard of“peer reviewed” inundate influence at all levels. Beleaguered and overzealously aware of just how powerful the conflict of profit can be, I find myself wondering if the risk of skin cancer is as simple as exposure to the sun, amplified deleteriously due to our chronic malnourishment and anemic natural defenses. If our body filters and ability to adapt through basic hormesis processes has been underdeveloped, could our lacking “fitness” in this regard be reason for a LD50 response to photon dosage every summer? Could these underdeveloped defenses also be exacerbated by our 20th century sun / weakness solutions encouraging the basting and diligent re-slathering of sunscreen, donning of hat, and SPF clothing, all leaving us with an unhealthy relationship with star radiation? We may be treating the symptoms while ignoring the root cause.


Skin cancer is indeed cited by the EPA as the most common form of cancer in North America (especially aggravated by intense sunburns experienced in childhood). This should certainly be a call to alarm and warrant a reevaluation of prophylaxis. Below we will approach this problem with protocols and science to optimize our exposure, while building healthful resilience. Weak things break, and I believe the presupposition that our modern lifestyles has engendered an unhealthy relationship with the sun source, breaking us into chronic suboptimal hormone balance and contributing to eventual disease states.


It’s not hard to make the connection that our delicate biological systems have evolved optimal function in alignment with natural patterns. The cycle of daily and seasonally modulated sun exposure are inputs our bodies have been programmed to rely on and should be honored. Conventional living has in sorts uprooted this conditioning and likely not for the best expression of health. Time your sun prescription dosages in reference to time of day when concentrations are the highest and in accordance with modulating dosage in accordance with season. Although there may be many considerations, various technologies and supplements can be used to mitigate the inconveniences that are preventing us from taking this medicine daily and at proper individual dose. Be the self scientist we all are and explore what combination works best to achieve at minimum 20 minutes per day of long and short wave sun ray exposure.



Short wave length Light UVB (blue & green spectrum) entering through the eyes during the day, travels through the cornea to nerves and landing to regulate the pineal gland; shutting down the production of melatonin. This melatonin is an important communicator, indicating to to the mind body of our path in the cosmos: referencing earthly position in respect to the sun along with the dimension of rotation (day / night & season). Light from the sun is essentially a biological calendar.

Melatonin is a neurotransmitter that makes us tired and initiates the process of sleep, turns on production of osteoblasts (cells that makes bones stronger), suppresses egg and sperm cell maturation, and activates immune / antioxidant systems.

The cycle of sun exposure is important as the modulation directed by day, night, and season create a natural regulation of hormones to encourage and limit activity. Getting the proper amount of sunlight in accordance with the time of year and day maintains balance and health.


Consider tha human skin complex as a 3D matrix of endocrine organ. Exposure to UVB through the skin also regulates melatonin (similar to through the eyes & pineal). As we know, most living animal’s mating is regulated by sunlight; hence the idea of mating season. As mentioned, melatonin surpasses gonadal access and Inhibits testosterone & estrogen in men and women. Both being critical in desire to mate and mating behavior. Melatonin’s inhibition of sexual hormones as viewed in rat studies evidences Increases in testicular and ovarian size, while enhancing maturation and health of egg production in females.

We can optimize our sex lives and downstream fertility by ample exposure to sun light daily. We are at our most powerful when hormones of our gender are flowing like a river. Enjoy this powerful feeling and get caught in the stream.

Protocol: 20-30 min of midday sun exposure 2-3 days per week with minimum amount of clothing.


The tolerance of pain is increased during longer day conditions via UVB skin & eye reception. This exposure increases the release of endogenous endorphins & opioids; which incidentally also provide nociceptive relief from emotional pain.


UVB exposure during day helps elevate mood. Conversely, the same exposure from artificial light during the night from 2200-0400 can instigate depression and overall mood dis-regulation. Light exposure during sleep affects glucose regulation and increases nighttime heart rate, decrease in heart rate variability ( HRV known metric for recovery), and insulin resistance: ultimately disrupting autonomic tone (relaxed steady state of being).


Spleen organ function is increased via UVB exposure to the eyes which in turn affects the sympathetic immune system to increase the amount of immune cells released. This includes wound healing, turn over of skin, nail, and hair cells.

It’s critical to health that light exposure from artificial sources during the hours of 2200-0400 is limited.



UVA (long wave red & infrared spectrum light) stimulates skin wound healing. Spectrum Red light penetrates deeper as long wave frequency travels into cells. Exposure can burn top layer stimulating deep stem cells to replace and renew, while also affecting the mitochondria level. As cells age, the accumulation of reactive oxygen species ROS go up, ultimately decreasing the organelles ability to make ATP (fuel). Red light increases ATP production through up regulating mitochondria function and reducing by products of cellular respiration.


Improvements in visual function: UVB exposure prevent and reverses aging of cells involved in vision. Direct sun exposure increase ATP and reduces presence of ROS specifically at the 670-790NM wave length. Specifically this wave length light is to be absorbed ~1 ft. away. Low intensity red light. 2-3 min per day for 12 weeks. Effects were observed only in individuals 40 or older, stimulating improvement in visual acuity (fine detail) +22%.

Fleury N, Geldenhuys S, Gorman S. Sun Exposure and Its Effects on Human Health: Mechanisms through Which Sun Exposure Could Reduce the Risk of Developing Obesity and Cardiometabolic Dysfunction. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2016 Oct 11;13(10):999. doi: 10.3390/ijerph13100999. PMID: 27727191; PMCID: PMC5086738.

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