Training Equilibrium: Utopia Protocol

The challenge of integrating various training modalities to construct peak performance for the casual to olympian can be a full time job requiring professional coaching. And let’s say that perhaps the Olympics and professional athletic sport may be outside the scope, replaced with conventional full time occupation and plus or minus community obligations, one can seek extraordinary fitness and skill acquirements relative to the subjective training commitment. Adult layered lifestyles can be complicated, and building out a workout schedule that enables an athlete to train the major modalities of performance can be a daunting task for even the most initiated. Periodization is a great approach and perhaps the best; but let’s consider and alternative approach for the everyday man. We often associate the term Utopia with perfect, and as defined, there is no such thing (Utopia is Greek for no / not & place). Similarly there is no perfect workout, but this protocol seeks average the most effective modalities providing with aim of balance & results.

The below protocol is an efficient approach to training with balance. Translated to hitting all primary modes of adaption creating conditions of synergistic balanced adaptation. Below rubric inculcates the top priorities in sport and activity to create a utopia of training within the confines of an hour. Of course this isn’t a panacea to performance, but certainly a great routine to balance training without any true specificity or one to use when outside familiar confines of your home gym. Here we sample from the pantheon of primary training modalities: Maximal Strength, Power, Strength Endurance, & Mobility / Pre-hab. Keep in mind that this is simply a guide to balancing training focus; providing the structure from a category and their corresponding reps, rest, sets, & intensity. The muscle groups and frequency of usage is dependent on individual needs.


Purpose: Training balanced & efficient athletism : Can be muscle group specific or full body.

Pre-hab Warm Up:

Rep _ Rest _ Set: 8-12 Reps _ 0-90 Sec Rest _ 1-3 Sets

  • Body Weight Split Squats
  • Prone Swimmers
  • Prone Contralateral reachers

Muscular Endurance:

Rep _ Rest _ Set _ Intensity: 12-20 Reps _ 0-90 Sec Rest _ 1-3 Sets _ 50-70% 1RM

  • Exercise A
  • Exercise B

Maximal Strength :

Rep _ Rest _ Set _ Intensity: 1-5 Reps _ 3-5 min Rest _ 4-6 Sets _ 85-100% 1RM

  • Exercise A
  • Exercise B


Rep _ Rest _ Set _ Intensity: 1-10 Reps _ 3-5 min Rest _ 3-6 set _ 30-45% 1RM or equal less than 10% body Weight

  • Exercise A
  • Exercise B

  Mobility / Pails & Rails

Rep _ Rest _ Set _ Intensity: 2-5 Reps _ 0-90 Sec Rest _ 3-6 Set _ 30-45%         

  • Exercise A
  • Exercise B
  • Standing Hip Airplanes
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