Primal Primer 8 (Modality)

Strong trunk musculature has been a critical system promulgating our ancestors throughout evolution, while at core augmenting their ability to skillfully navigate 3 dimensions of elements and earth. The well conditioned trunk is defined as the ability to call upon strength and stability of the abdomen, low back, and hips (center of gravity) often in unison and in support of complex movement. Through the lifestyle of hunting and gathering leading to the Paleolithic era, through more modern agrarian farming societies transitioning to the Neolithic era, the sapien engaged in a variety of actives such as running, walking, climbing, carrying, and tool use (farming, hunting & war). All activities existing in 3 dimensions of demand, whereby bending, twisting, and extending was not just done in between breaks of sitting for 8-12 hours a day at the office, but was lifestyle.

Why Train Trunk?

Create trunk demands and adaptations everyday similar to our predecessors. A well trained and maintained center of gravity creates proximal stability for distal mobility (cannot shoot a cannon from a canoe). A strong trunk is the foundation for generating power, athleticism, and safe movement. Activated, the trunk also serves as the body’s armor, protecting from injury and creating posture in conflict or when danger is perceived.

~Cave Implementation~

Trunk work should be included in all workouts. Utilize at least 1-2 specific exercises in addition to your regularly scheduled workout. Trunk focus can also be an effective warm up as priming this system of musculature activates and awakens the body for training demand. Active recovery days should also focus on this system as trunk training is low impact, targets slow twitch muscle fiber, and sustains low VO2 demand.

Your Trunk Is The Body’s Center Of Gravity; One Cannot Shoot A Cannon From A Canoe.

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