10,000 Steps

Primal Primer 1 (Fitness)

A body in motion stays in motion; foot steps often and everyday is cornerstone activity supporting universal longevity, body composition, immune, mental, &, metabolic health. Break out from the contemporary moulding that encourages the C-shaped seated lifestyle. Get up, throw your shoulders back, swing arms, and step it out.

What Walking Does The Body

  • Improves Cardio Health – Zone 2 pace (able to hold a conversation) builds aerobic endurance making your heart and lungs more efficiently deliver oxygen, nutrients, and remove waste.
  • Top End Cardio Exercise – Zone 2 walking directly affects the body’s ability to perform top end work; creating the cardio base.
  • Fat Utilization For Fuel – Encourages body to use fat as primary energy source during low end work.
  • Sustainable & Low Impact – Little injury risk in participating, while providing durable caloric burn that is repeatable and practical.
  • Enhanced Recovery – Promotes blood flow while reducing muscle stiffness.
  • Mental Health – Reduce stress and improves mood.
  • Cognitive Function – Improves memory, can be a meditative practice, while reducing risk of neurodegenerative disease.
  • Enhanced Immune Function – Increases effectiveness of immune response, especially when done in tandem with sun exposure.
  • Posture – Restore kinetic chain alignment through engaging postural muscles, joints, tendons, and ligaments when systems are active.

The Sapien Standard is 10,000 Steps

Studies of modern day hunter and gathering tribes (Hadza & Tsimane) report daily averages of 10-15K steps while participating in farming, fishing, and hunting. In more contemporary communities, consistent daily walking was common factor found in all worldwide blue zones demonstrating longevity. It can be surmised that these sample averages reflect similar movement pattens found in our distant generations. The recent departure from daily movement in the last 100 years is undoubtedly a contributor to the disease and weakness endemic of industrialized sapiens today.

~Cave Implementation~

10,000 steps everyday on average represents ~5 miles and takes 1.5 hours to complete. Easily broken into two separate sessions preferably after eating (helping with digestion & insulin sensitivity), walking can also be stacked with sun and heat exposure. For the more intrepid, calisthenics of choice or back pack can be added as progression. Sapien Steps is priority and base of all activity. Inadequate daily movement is weakening every aspect of today’s sapien from mind, bone, and muscle. Unlock ancient vigor, endurance, and recovery bound in the simplest most available activity known to man. Let walking be your secret weapon to a long life.

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