Human Becoming

Primal Primer 2 (Mentality)

6-7 million years ago, a proto species split from our last common ancestor of chimpanzee. For reasons that can only be conjecture, this separation and continued evolving of species past seminal divergence is both unusual, distinct, and clearly special. The lineage recognizable as homo genus proceeded 2.5-1.4 million years ago, and continued evolution to increasingly able and modernly recognizable species for another 7 separations. 300 thousand years ago marks the first evidence of our current species known as homo sapien found nestled in Morocco Africa. Forward to 40,000 years ago, homo sapien’s global expansion and extinction of other homo species was indicator of design success. We are the current day result of 12,000 generations of survival drive and optimized evolution. This process of human becoming has not slowed and is far from complete.

Modern Homo sapiens are not static, but fluid in nature. As our consciousness condenses in physical manifestation, we are thrust into existence with many options of expression (ascension or devolution). Do not acclimate to simply being a human being; be a human becoming. Know that we are temporarily marooned on this earth for a reason; and exclusively at the jurisdiction of the individual. Take this responsibility seriously and meditate on the gravity of such an unreasonable gift and absurdly small probability of you consciously experiencing your current being.

~Cave Implementation~

Where you are in the process of becoming? What draws you, and how does the process make you and others better when On Path? What impact are you responsible for in the four corners of time: past, present, future, and if there is enough magnitude perhaps dimension. Form begets function and effect; seek out your form and become the person you are meant to be. Start with paper (any annotation medium works); begin the self dialogue on this process in context of the four corners of time. The pen is incredibly powerful tool in encouraging thought, reflection and action: Human becoming not human being.

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