Primal Primer 5 (Mentality)

The first evidence of written language known as cuneiform dates back to over 5000 years ago in Mesopotamia as accounting ledger. Going further back, proto attempts of communication through the use of art and symbolism appear globally 40,000 years ago in caves throughout Europe and Indonesia. These pieces all tell stories, keep record, and transmit information of our ancestors in archaic time capsules of thought and insights into a lost time.

Words Are Tool

It cannot be doubted that communicating through symbols was critical in planning and strategy of our ancestors, and still to this very day in the form of publication, journal, computer code, or book. Written & drawn communication is yet another demarcation separating the Sapien from natural order as no other species exhibits this unique and highly constructive behavior.

Today the methods for communicating through written word are many. A practice of condensing clouds of ideas and abstract thought into shareable mediums is an exceptionally powerful tool for organizing, building, and transmitting. It is hypothesized that ideas choose us; and all great achievements starts with a thought. Don’t let yours go unrealized.

~Cave Implementation~

Use laptop, phone notes, pen, quill, chisel, and stone to write everyday. Capture ideas as they strike like lightning or in regimented daily exercise. Writing is a meditation whereby thought is not silenced but funneled and captured; and if sufficiently worthy, built to amplification. Capture your thoughts on walks, shower, journal, or margin notes of a book. It may be surprising just how cathartic and strategic simple scribblings can be.

Breathe Life Into Your Ideas and Add Ideation to the Sapien Pantheon

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