Primal Primer 6 (Modality)

Sleep may be one of the lesser optimized experiences of our ancestors as the world was once a more dangerous place. The inherent threat in any creaking branch, animal howl, or hominid shadow casted, created nightmares of potential real life consequence. These perceived and real dangerous conditions led to more intermittent and agitated bouts of nightly rest, and subsequent poor recovery. Today we have mostly conquered the dangers of the dark, but since invented new conditions of rest disruption in the form of screens, always on lights, late night consumption, and alarm clocks.

Recovery & Progress Depends On High Quality Sleep

All living creatures sleep; inherently leading to the gravity of importance this activity entails. The nightly regroup of mind and body is a time where we turn off conscious streams and transition to alternative universes of thought, insight, and multiverse playgrounds of discovery and existence. We still do not fully understand this strange activity, but enough so to appreciate the healthful edge it provides when optimized and consistent.

Quality sleep will sharpen your thoughts, make you more emotionally resilient, increase learning, muscular recovery, and enhance immune function. 6.5-8.5 hours of quality sleep nightly is the best recovery supplement anyone can access both free and without training. Although these numbers are highly subjective and individual, the confidence intervals provide fence lines whereby one can establish their own optimized regiment.

~Cave Implementation~

Maximize sleep each and every night: the successes of your day depend heavily on your night. Interpretations, emotional reactions, readiness, productivity, recovery, and immune function, are highly influenced by the presence and lacking of quality rest. Monitor sleep sessions as you would a workout through wearable devices that establish baselines and provide objective measures of what optimal recovery feels like. Everyone’s needs are different. Understand your patterns of quality and you will master the levers and buttons that separate minimal recovery from a day of purely crushing without apology. There are many things we can do to obtain a solid night of rest….start small, and bolt on various nightly practices that make sense and are sustainable for consistent implementation.

The Successes Of Your Day Depend Heavily On Your Night.

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