Avoid Artificial Ingredients

Primal Primer 4 (Nutrition)

For generations, sapiens have feasted on organic fruits, vegetables, and grass fed animals; fueling evolutionary forces leading to the most sophisticated biological processing machine in our known universe: the human brain. Conversely, today’s modern nutritional environment provides a surreptitious danger slowing and in some cases, reversing development of the human cortex. Consider this: ~70% of foods sold and consumed from the average grocery store is processed and artificial, leaving only 30% of modernly hunted and gathered fuels fit for consumption.

Sapiens today fuel with cheap, sensory overloading, and preserving chemicals all designed with the mission of lowering production costs, generating addictions, and profits. Paired with strategic marketing manipulation and driven by brilliant minds from psychology to advertising, efforts of maximizing top line sales without considering long term safety is the unforgivable direction of our largest food providers and complicit regulating entities.

Studies Suggest No Dangers In Consuming Artificial Ingredients…

The science we accept as truth is funded: susceptible to corruption by entities whose profit margins are driven and influenced. Although possible that many artificial foods and ingredients are not devastating to the body, there is no clear way to really know; especially if we can accept the following logic:

Research & Studies – Although there is a body of research claiming safety, it is impossible for long term studies to be conducted as most artificial ingredients are less than a generation old.

Methodology – Randomized controlled trials (the gold standard in research) is unable to be deployed practically and ethically to thoroughly isolate and understand dangers.

Conflict & Interests – All studies and research are funded, with some of the largest grants being perpetrated by universities, government agencies, and food companies; all susceptible to conflicts of interest. I.E. In the 1960’s, the Sugar Research Foundation (SRF) paid off Harvard scientists to publish research minimizing ill effects of sugar while shifting blame to saturated fats. To this day most still believe saturated fats are bad…

~Cave Implementation~

Do not put anything in your body that is artificial. Become accustomed to viewing ingredient labels before consuming. Anything artificial is usually hard to pronounce, appearing to belong on the periodic table of elements. and ultimately is not for human consumption. Source foods from your garden, local farmers markets, or certified organic from grocery stores. Foods labeled organic are void of artificial ingredients and genetic manipulation (GMO). Prioritize getting fuel closer to source as our bodies are made from the base parts of nature and assimilate nutrients best from lower denominator items. You may also be surprised how ailments become less ailing when removing exposures to chemical contrived substances.

You Are What You Eat…Don’t Be Artificial.

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