Assess Thy Self

Primal Primer 9 (Mentality)

Sapiens come equipped with self preserving programing that acutely blinds personal aberration; as objective truth from the abyss of chaos can be detrimental to long term survival when viewed in excessive granularity. There was and still are degrees of perceptual distance necessary when confronted with abject horrors of antiquity, and to this day, these defense mechanisms are still installed and running in our minds as innate “wet-ware”.

We all have experienced the downward slope this evolved blindspot ensures; often happening unnoticed until objective measures can no longer be ignored; albeit for the uninitiated they may never be. Common objective signs creeping into the periphery of consciousness today are: needing larger clothing sizes, excessive respiration from climbing meager amounts of steps, or worse yet, needing new organs or hormone replacements in perpetuity. Under these self imposed illusions dreams are also sacrificed, becoming cloudy and distant as pathological harmony syncs with mediums of mediocrity.

The Cure Is Truth

Break the cycle and see yourself and world clearly and objectively as possible. Practice individually checking in sans protective measures of the ego (requiring extensive practice and self-therapy / exposure). Intentionally face the arguable self philosophically while relying on the metrics of objectivity to stave off declination.

~Cave Implementation~

Practice honesty. Rely on objective measures to better guide progress. Experiment with the myriad of fitness trackers available. Establish candid baselines both physically and mentally. Ask the right questions and you may find yourself in a better position for actionable progress. Be sure to begin the process of outsource reality checkpoints from a trusted apex community and mastermind alliances (more on building these cohorts in Sapien Strength).

Break The Cycle and See Yourself And the world Clearly and Objectively As Possible.

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