Pieces of our Past

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Heat Exposure

Heat Exposure

Primal Primer 19 (Fitness) The human body adapts and thrives in conditions of heat; originally evolving to the climes of East Africa. Through these extended exposures and over spans of time, Homo sapien's eveloped mechanisms attenuating to extreme and fluctuating...

Dangers of Genetically Modified (GMO) Wheat

Dangers of Genetically Modified (GMO) Wheat

Throughout time, bread has represented bountiful harvests and impetus behind advanced development of the homo sapien species. Arguably, the most impactful driver of behavior and genetic change is attributed to the introduction of organized agriculture. Starting with...

Consider Methyl Folate Supplementation

Consider Methyl Folate Supplementation

The depths one can go in choosing effective supplementation can be a similar experience to spelunking without a head light or map. Voyaging and lost through misleading labels and sensory appealing packaged claims at GNC to simply lost and led by algorithms of Amazon....

Urban Composting

Urban Composting

What Is Compost? Composting is the process of engineering organic material decay (food scraps, yard waste, and paper products) into nutrient dense soil amendments called compost. The engine of compost is organic material, and it's fuel is bacteria, fungus, worms,...

Drink Clay Water

Drink Clay Water

Water is life. The standard sapien is recommended at minimum, 8 glasses of clean organic water daily (glass = 8oz; totaling 64oz per day: ~2 liters). Often this recommendation being fulfilled in action outside of the home; and likely consumed via a composite container...

Spice Of Life: Salt

Spice Of Life: Salt

Be Worth Your Salt Salt is the most important spice on earth. Ranging from Sapien's first forays in cooking and trade, to modern man's pursuit of culinary prowess. Salt continues to be critical in aspirations of both taste and health. Although ubiquitous and...

Pressure Cooking For Increased Nutrition

Pressure Cooking For Increased Nutrition

Merging technologies of today with omnipresent vegetables and grains sprouting from earth, it has never been easier to consume the most bioavailable and varied nutritious fuels. Utilizing the capabilities of modern pressure cookers (LCC recommends the InstatPot), one...

Overnight Organic Oats

Overnight Organic Oats

Oats originated in the fertile crescent of present day Turkey, Syria, and Iran, 4,000 years ago. Amongst the first cereals introduced into mass cultivation by ancient civilizations, due to their adaptability and nutritional value. Oats eventually became a staple in...

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