
Primal Primer 14 (Nutrition)

Human ancestors were not particularly consistent with the types of foods, amounts, or times of fueling. Largely due to the chaotic nature of the last thousands of years, nutrient consumption was highly varied and opportunistic; determined by the availability of resources and highly corresponding to environment and season. Variability in diet and the ability to efficiently extract nutrients in such wide ranges was necessary precursor in adapting to new lands; a Sapien superpower that many past species struggled with.

Today, we have the gift and curse for consistency in fuels consumed, quantity, and timing. Seek to consistently fuel >80% of the time consciously and with intent. The cyclical and consistent management of macro & micro nutrient matters; adherence to strategy is critical. Consistency of intent provides scalable results and marks the difference between letting food be medicine or poison.

Benefits Of Consistency

  • Macronutrient & Vitamin Consumption – The luxury of modern hunting and gathering facilitates the Sapien’s ability to consistently hit desired nutrient profiles for specific intent.
  • Timing – Storage and surplus allows for fuel at your demand and during intentional feeding phases. This can be especially important for building muscle, sustaining muscle mass, and preparing for peak performance.
  • Consistency Of Quality – Grocery stores and online purchasing enables sourcing of the highest quality foods conveniently and consistently.

Drags Of Consistency

  • Consistency Of Poor Quality – If your fueling strategy sources primarily poor quality, preservative laden, pesticide soaked, and overly caloric dense foods, the ability to easily and often acquire these inhuman foods contributes to chronic and acute systemic disease states
  • Lacking Diversity – If overly consistent, the diversity of micronutrients (vitamins & minerals) can create deficiency and imbalance. Also problematic by creating toxicities driven by intense quantities of certain micronutrients being stored in the body.
  • Out Of Season Fueling – Fueling out of seasonal alignment creates conditions where food is less nutrient dense and less tasty (non-natural ripening). Certain foods in season also help the body attenuate to weather shifts: winter eating focuses on more root oriented heartiness and viral protection, whereas summer fueling with berries and fruits are more hydrating and caloric dense in preparation for when calories are less available in winter.

~Cave Implementation~

Be consistent in your fueling strategies. Avoid the term “diet” as those are often done without much consideration of being intentional, rational, and eventually fail. If you take vitamins or supplements take them routinely and at the same amplitude (amount & timing). The 80/20 rule (80% of the time consistent; allowing 20% of the time for aberration) is helpful in guiding consistency of fueling strategy, but beware of its ability to facilitate aberration to completely Off Path, especially when creeps north of 20%.

All Accomplishments Are Built From Consistent And Intentional Action.

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Fasting plays crucial role in the survival and thriving of ancient Homo sapiens by promoting adaptability, resilience, and physiological benefits in environments where food is not always available. Scarcity is a tool that activates a cascade of genetic pathways sharpening the ephemeral hunter and gather; switching on the most efficient and effective surviving being ever to grace this earth.

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