Food Avoidance

Primal Primer 16 (Nutrition)

Our ancestors and sapiens today use a combination of natural instincts, learned behavior, and trial and error, in efforts of avoiding poisonous or anti-nutrient foods. Layered approaches in consciously choosing the most nutrient and energy dense fuel provides significant survival advantage to our species.

  • Taste & Smell – Bitter and sour flavors are often associated with toxins or spoiled food. Many poisonous plants also contain alkaloids and bitter compounds sapiens developed aversion to as protective mechanism.
  • Visual Cues – Brightly colored plants and fungi often signal toxicity through warning colors; early humans learned to associate certain visual patterns with danger.
  • Nausea & Vomiting – In response to consuming poisonous foods, the sapien’s body induce nausea, vomiting, and other gastrointestinal symptoms in efforts of purging and creating avoidance responses.
  • Processing & Preparation – Developing protocols for detoxifying certain foods through cooking, soaking, or fermenting are learned tactics in neutralizing toxins and reducing the impact of anti-nutrients.
  • Shared Knowledge & Cultural Transmission – Through oral traditions, the passing of vital information about food sources and preparation secured nutrition while helping to avoid potentially life threatening mistakes.

Avoid Extreme Avoidance

The risks of acute poisoning and death from consuming foods when hunting and gathering in modernity are extremely rare, albeit the potential of long term slow poisoning is now a clear and present risk. Pitfalls of adhering to narrow nutritional protocols or catching the latest strain of influencer influenza by pledging fieldty to certain foods while banishing others inherently holds its own risk. Be careful of what is vilified and seek clarity from the lab of you. Gain understanding of your individual food reaction mechanisms and be wary of broad convictions and intense specificity. Tomato and beef will not kill you….and likely fit your macros.

~Cave Implementation~

Experiment on the self in the lab of you. Investigate macro and micro nutrient constellations that work for your engine. Demonstrate willingness to question everything, especially when influencer influenza season is in full swing. Most nutrition advice is misleading and agenda / profit rooted. Seek your own way forward.

Seek Clarity In The Lab Of You.

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