Central Nervous System Activation

Primal Primer 21 (Fitness)

Development of the central nervous system (CNS) in ancient hunters and gatherers is a product of millions of years of evolution, shaped by the need to survive, adapt to environments, and improve ability to hunt, gather, and proactively defend.

Natural Selection – Over time, early hominids with more efficient nervous systems (better sensory processing, faster reflexes, & greater brain capacity) are more likely to survive and pass on genes, leading to gradual refinement of the CNS in response to environmental challenges.

Brain Expansion – The human brain, particularly the Neocortex (responsible for complex thought and decision making), expanded significantly due to overload and performance demand. Larger and more neural dense brains helped early humans develop strategies for hunting and combat, enabling them to process sensory information (sounds, smells, sight) and respond more effectively to dangers and opportunities.

Hunting & Combat

Improved Sensory Perception – Early humans needed sharp vision, keen hearing, and heightened smell to detect prey and predators. The CNS developed to process these inputs quickly, which is crucial in making split second decisions during hunts and confrontations.

Coordination & Motor Control – Hunting and combat requires precise muscle control, whether for throwing spears, using tools, or climbing. The CNS develops better motor coordination and fine motor skills to manage complex movements required for life forward tasks.

Fight & Flight Response – The CNS evolved mechanisms for dealing with immediate threats through the fight or flight response. When early humans encountered danger, the autonomic nervous system triggers a rush of adrenalin, speeding up heart rate and preparing muscles for action.

Heightened Reflexes – Fast reflexes, governed by the spinal cord and brainstem, are critical for surviving in dangerous environments. Reflexively dodging a predators attack, or throwing a spear in the heat of the hunt requires rapid CNS processing and muscle response.

Connect In With Movement & Seek Balance

Connect in with your movement and seek balance. The central nervous system (CNS) controls 5 senses along with movement. Can you stand on a single foot? Can you get off the floor without using your hands? Can you walk a balance beam? Are hand stands an option? What about a cartwheel? We don ‘t contend that ancient cave people were cartwheeling around the savanna in search of mushrooms, but abilities to coordinate The sapien body to move in however you want is an important instinct to keep sharp.

~Cave Implementation~

Challenge your body’s ability to move, balance, and flow. In antiquity, our ability to move demarcated surviving or end of life. Central nervous system activation provides exceptional adaptations to proprioception (mind body connection tracking body position in time and space), and is a fun pre-hab centered practice keeping the body in tune with the ability to move as the brain requests. CNS based movement can be a workout cool down or warm up. If sufficiently challenging, an entire workout can be CNS flow based.

Challenge Your Body’s Ability To Move, Balance, & Flow.

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