Primal Primer 5 (Nutrition)

Sugar in its many processed forms are modernly engineered slow burn plagues disguised as fun bubbly beverages and colorful packages adorned with animals accompanied by brain washing slogans such as “part of a complete breakfast”, or shiny stamps of government regulatory approvals.

Before the advent of organized agriculture, foraged fruits were the primary source of sugars that were only available as quantities lasted, dependent on your foraging prowess, and only when in season. According to AI powered modeling, average calories gained from consumed natural non GMO fruit was equal to caloric output in foraging. Today, the ability to drive to the market, attain engorged genetically modified fruits and sugar laden packaged foods requires near sedentary caloric expenditures to source.

Treat sugar as it appears in natural form: seasonal, limited in quantity, and growing in the wild. Proven are the conspiracies of corporate sugar cabals financially influencing esteemed educational institution study results to misrepresent a benign nature of sugar while projecting dangers on fat (a campaign of misinformation that is still dredging casualties today). Be wary of unnaturally high consumptions of sugars found in most processed foods. Nefarious sugar consumption from the many vectors of grocery convenience can derail fueling strategies affecting energy, insulin, recovery, body composition, and inflammation.

~Cave Implementation~

Sugar is not bad, but be economical with natural and added sugars. Become accustomed to viewing ingredient labels prior to fueling. A hard and fast rule is to be especially wary of “added sugar”, as naturally tasty and nutritious food doesn’t require this addition. Sugar is ubiquitously added to pre-packaged processed foods in efforts of causing addiction, cravings, and extend shelf life; all in efforts to maximize bottom line manufacture sales and repeat sales. Sourcing food at the base level of ingredients helps limit unintended and accumulative exposure.

Let Food Be Thy Medicine Or Poison: The Choice Is Yours.

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