Primal Primer 18 (Mentality)
The concept of truth and its moral significance plays vital role in the survival and success of Homo sapiens throughout history and to this day.
Fostering Trust & Cooperation – Truthfulness enhances trust within communities. When individuals are honest, it fosters cooperations which are essential for survival in complex social groups. Groups that trust each other are more likely cooperate in hunting, gathering, building shelters, and defending from threats. Reductions in conflict are experienced when people rely on truthful information, allowing better coordination, shared goals, and collective problem solving.
Sharing Accurate Knowledge – Fidelity in communication is essential for transmitting accurate knowledge, such as survival techniques, medicinal practices, and environmental knowledge from one generation to the next. Accurate information sharing is crucial for innovation; societies that emphasize truthfulness are better at building upon existing knowledge, leading to advancements in tools, agriculture, and social structures.
Enabling Effective Decision Making – Knowing and sharing truths about environmental dangers, such as predators, poisonous plants, or hostile tribes is vital for survival. Misinformation or deception in these areas lead to fatal consequence.
Strengthening Leadership & Social Order – Leaders who are perceived as truthful and trustworthy gain confidence in their communities. This trust in leadership is critical during times of crisis, such as when migrating, waging ware, or dealing with natural disasters. Truth plays a role in upholding social contract and laws; communities valuing truth tend to have stronger social norms and less internal conflicts.
Mitigating conflict – Truth telling helps resolve disputes and prevent misunderstandings. In many cultures, conflict resolution processes involve seeking the truth, whether through courts, councils, or mediation. Societies that develop systems of truth are more stable and less prone to internal violence.
Enhancing Group Identity and Purpose – Truthful accounts of a group’s origins, struggles, and victories solidify shared identity and purpose. These narratives foster a sense of belonging and motivated collective action towards common goals. Inaccurate or deceptive histories undermine unity. In many advanced civilizations, the search for truth is linked to religious of philosophical beliefs. Shared beliefs in certain “truths” about the world and human existence help unify communities, fostering strength and resilience in the face of hardship.
Train To Seek Truth
What are your truths? Is it possible there are filters on truth? Do you have the capacity to be deceived by others or yourself? These rhetorical statements demonstrate a universal susceptibility in degraded fidelity of personal objectivity. Truthful self auditing is a practice that takes the sapien to higher potentialities. Embracing the vulnerability of truth sets you free. Take time to be honest; discern how far off we are from the people we project and aspire to be. Truth is a strong tool for collapsing these often self and societal constructed rifts.
~Cave Implementation~
Provide yourself and others with accurate information about victories and struggles. Do not hide behind the facade of social media; omitting weaknesses while highlighting strengths. Take full ownership of any and all outcomes independent of causality; true leaders and change makers are accountable and search out key learnings in success and failure. All great accomplishments begin with immaculate truths; strip away layers of deception and seek the solace of objectivity
Embracing The Vulnerability Of Truth Sets You Free.