Cave Daily Log

by | Sep 1, 2024 | Post

Unlock Your Primal Potential

My fingers grasp at the thick, worn twine netting, pinching with my nails, tugging to loosen the knots tying the net to its metal scaffolding. The late afternoon California sun beats down, and my patience starts to wear thin. Tasked with post soccer game equipment breakdown, I see others heading toward the storage unit as I continue to struggle with the netting. In a moment of desperation, I unhinge the top bar and slide the netting off, taking the easier route rather than the proper. The goal and net are put away, but the knots remain.

This is how most people treat their health and wellness—taking shortcuts to cover up problems rather than addressing the root cause. And this is one of the biggest issues impacting overall well-being today.

The State of Our Health and Wellness

The reality is, most people don’t feel good most of the time. Whether it’s physical fitness, mental performance, or nutritional intake, we’re increasingly becoming a race of suboptimal beings. Consider these alarming facts:

  • 25% of people don’t meet the minimum levels of daily activity (in America, that number is a staggering 77%).
  • Over 2 billion people are classified as “overweight,” with over 650 million classified as “obese.”
  • 90% of people don’t eat the recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables.
  • The average American gets 60% of their daily caloric intake from processed foods.
  • Nearly 50% of people are nutrient deficient, with key micronutrients like Vitamin D and Magnesium being critically low.
  • Anxiety and depression are prevalent mental disorders, affecting millions, with over 13 million people experiencing serious mental illness.
  • The American Psychological Association reports that 84% of people feel overwhelmed by stress and financial concerns.

This list should not only be alarming but should inspire immediate action. Yet, instead of addressing these issues head-on, most people choose one of two paths:

  • Internalize, complain, blame, and make excuses.
  • Medicate—whether through big pharma, over-the-counter drugs, or illicit substances.

Neither of these options solve the underlying problems. In fact, they often exacerbate them, creating a feedback loop of dependence and mental slavery, leading to wasted potential.

Hope for a Healthier Future

The good news? There’s hope. This hope is simple, practical, and accessible to everyone, regardless of the specific ailments you may face. Proven effective over millennia by our ancestors who not only survived but thrived using these practices, we’ve compiled these into a program called Primal Primers.

Primal Primers offer a set of practical, accessible health tips that, when done daily, will help you not only understand the root causes of your issues but also begin to improve them. With dedication, you might even remove these problems entirely.

However, knowing what to do is often not the challenge—doing it is. That’s why we created the Cave Daily Log. This tool helps you stay on track, hold yourself accountable, and Keep it Cave by truthfully tracking your activity, nutrition, and mentality. Here’s how it works:

Fitness Section

Cold Exposure: Are you exposing yourself to cold elements for at least 3-5 minutes a day, whether through a cold shower, minimal clothing in cold weather, or a cold plunge? Circle Y or N.

Sweat Till You’re Wet: Are you sweating profusely through rigorous exercise, sauna, or any other natural heat exposure method? Circle Y or N.

Sun Exposure: Are you getting at least 20 minutes of sun exposure, preferably in the morning or late afternoon? Circle <20 min or >20min.

Grounding: Are you intentionally getting your bare feet on the ground as often as possible? Circle Y or N.

Daily Steps: Are you achieving a minimum of 10K steps daily? Circle <10K, 10K, or >15K. Jot down your actual step count in the white space.

Use the white space in this section to note how your body feels—are you tired, sore, or energetic? Track any physical improvements or issues, as well as the quality of your exercise.

Nutrition Section

Caloric Intake: Use a tracking app to note your overall caloric intake for the day.

Macros: Record the percentage of fat, protein, and carbs in your nutritional regiment. Don’t obsess, just note it. Over time, you’ll see how these numbers align with your goals, whether it’s muscle gain, body composition maintenance, or fat loss.

First Meal/Last Meal: Record the times of your first and last meals.

Chem: Tally how many times you consume food or drinks with artificial ingredients or chemicals, including pharmaceuticals and illicit substances.

Sugar: Tally how many times you consume added sugar (excluding natural sugars like those in fruit, honey, etc.).

H2O: Tally how many liters of clean drinking water you consume daily, using a Cave Approved non-plastic container, of course.

Alc: Tally your daily alcoholic servings.

Caff: Tally your daily caffeine servings.

Use the white space to note how your body is functioning—are you regular, battling cravings, or experiencing any other physical changes? Track your progress and celebrate your victories.

Mentality Section

Rise: Record the time you wake up.

Reading: Circle how many pages of meaningful, enriching material you read: <5pg, 5pg, or >5pg.

Writing: Are you writing at least one page daily? Circle <1pg, 1pg, or >1pg.

Notating Time: Use tools like Commit to the Calendar to track how you’re spending your time. Start by noting timeframes and activities in 30-minute increments, then plan your day accordingly. You’ll notice how much time is wasted and start to reclaim it for valuable pursuits.

Retire: Record the time you go to bed. Use the white space to jot down your sleep data if you’re using the Know Thy Numbers modality.

Use the white space to record inspiring thoughts, internal dialogues, and positive affirmations. Over time, start writing about your Human Becoming as though it’s already achieved.

~ Cave Implementation ~

Print five copies of the Cave Daily Log and challenge yourself to fill it out daily. Use it in the morning, midday, and before bed to track your progress. Keep it with you at work as a constant reminder of the Primal Primers you’re committed to practicing daily.

Be honest with yourself, use the white spaces to jot down thoughts, ideas, and observations, and watch how this daily exercise reorients your thinking and behavior. By committing to this activity, you’ll increase your awareness, alter your relationship with health, and gradually chip away at the impediments to becoming your Supreme Being. Unlock your primal potential and Keep it Cave.

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