Primal Primer 1 (Nutrition)

Life is hard. And it has been harder. Reality at times may have been unfathomably terrifying and unpleasant for our ancestors. Out of necessity, the sapien’s brain evolved software (Wet-Ware), distorting reality in efforts of retaining peace of mind and motivated spirit despite hardship and death. Survival in many circumstances does not allow for rest, processing, or therapy. Humans who could thrive in adversity and senseless nature, passed genetic material to future generations. Human Wet-Ware self authors defense mechanisms shielding from reality in efforts of keeping feet moving. Similarly employed in the comfort of 21st century, we obscure reality of mental and physical disfunction.

Objectivity Must Be Outsourced

We must acknowledge our innately terrible ability of estimating probabilities and objective measure. Through subconscious mechanisms of internal bias, poor estimating, or outright denial, we are subject to many mechanism of self deception.

 It is imperative to double-click on reality in efforts of obtaining and knowing your numbers. Objective tools must be used in establishing true baselines in all things we do.

Tools For Measurement

Garmin – Watch that assists in assessing sleep, activity, HRV (heart rate variability: key in rating recovery) and overall caloric burn of activities.

Whoop Strap – Band and app that provide scores based off activity, sleep, recovery (HRV), caloric burn, while providing recommendations for the following day based off initial average. Accessible monthly and longer term assessment is available for reviewing trends. Community rating through grouping provides more competitive baselines in assessing progress and standing (can join age groups or sport related cohorts for comparison).

Myplate – App based food trackers help attain baselines for macros consumed daily. The scan bar reader instantaneously provides macros, while a search for commonly eaten foods can be added.

Notebook / Phone Notes / Magnetic Dry Erase – Conveniently tracking macros while journaling feelings, learnings, and philosophies.

~Cave Implementation~

Metric everything initially: Modality, Mentality, & Nutrition. It is imperative to establish objective truths and baselines for making meaningful adjustments and optimizations. From knowing your numbers train to intuit them: “Numbers to leave numbers”. Utilize various measuring tools to assist in knowing your numbers and assessing / adjusting depending on purpose. Find what works for you and establish baselines. Once objective measurements are made, one can leave numbers (although revisiting periodically), as training to know your numbers one develops the skill of intuiting them.

It Is Imperative To Establish Objective Truths & Baselines For Making Meaningful Adjustments & Optimizations.

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