

Insights distilled from conversations and explored in digital long format. A compendium of knowledge serving as the modern day health and wellness Library of Alexandria. Learn along with the Left Coast Community and supplement your path to ascension. 

Blog posts

Recently from LCC

Know Thy Numbers

Know Thy Numbers

Primal Primer 1 (Nutrition) Life is hard. And it has been harder. Reality at times may have been unfathomably terrifying and unpleasant for our...

Urban Composting

Urban Composting

What Is Compost? Composting is the process of engineering organic material decay (food scraps, yard waste, and paper products) into nutrient dense...

Know Thy Numbers

Know Thy Numbers

Primal Primer 1 (Nutrition) Life is hard. And it has been harder. Reality at times may have been unfathomably terrifying and unpleasant for our ancestors. It isn't hard to imagine the necessary software the brain evolved to distort reality in efforts of retaining some...

Dangers of Genetically Modified (GMO) Wheat

Dangers of Genetically Modified (GMO) Wheat

Throughout time, bread has represented bountiful harvests and impetus behind advanced development of the homo sapien species. Arguably, the most impactful driver of behavior and genetic change is attributed to the introduction of organized agriculture. Starting with...

Consider Methyl Folate Supplementation

Consider Methyl Folate Supplementation

The depths one can go in choosing effective supplementation can be a similar experience to spelunking without a head light or map. Voyaging and lost through misleading labels and sensory appealing packaged claims at GNC to simply lost and led by algorithms of Amazon....

Urban Composting

Urban Composting

What Is Compost? Composting is the process of engineering organic material decay (food scraps, yard waste, and paper products) into nutrient dense soil amendments called compost. The engine of compost is organic material, and it's fuel is bacteria, fungus, worms,...

Drink Clay Water

Drink Clay Water

Water is life. The standard sapien is recommended at minimum, 8 glasses of clean organic water daily (glass = 8oz; totaling 64oz per day: ~2 liters). Often this recommendation being fulfilled in action outside of the home; and likely consumed via a composite container...

left coast cast

Conversations of The Cave. Rediscovering Homo Sapien’s thriving through the lens of historical practices and modern day technologies; the genesis of practical and accessible in the world that we are creating. Join us in each episode’s discoveries. 


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Movement and action sharpen the body. Keeping in tune with the practice of generations past, LCC provides physical modalities ranging from instinctual to contemporary, all with the intent of transforming you into the most functional Homo Sapien one can be. Our proprietary and result based applications will help your body recall its ability to be strong and alive. 

Workout Videos

Recently from LCC

ATG Zero Lite

ATG Zero Lite

Warm Up Reverse Out Knee Pain: Walk backwards with focus on knee over toe form. 10 min. Tibialis Raise: Lean against wall with glutes touching and...

ATG Zero Lite

ATG Zero Lite

Warm Up Reverse Out Knee Pain: Walk backwards with focus on knee over toe form. 10 min. Tibialis Raise: Lean against wall with glutes touching and...