Pieces of our Past

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Primal Primer 15 (Nutrition) Fasting plays crucial role in the survival and thriving of ancient Homo sapiens by promoting adaptability, resilience, and physiological benefits in environments where food is not always available. Scarcity is a tool that activates a...

Commit To The Calendar

Commit To The Calendar

Primal Primer 15 (Mentality) The first known calendar used by humans dates back to ancient times, with earliest evidence from 10,000 year ago. Before the modern calendar, many proxies were used in efforts of tracking time and staying organized. Sun Dial - Dating back...

Make The World Your Gym

Make The World Your Gym

Primal Primer 15 (Modality) Ancient Homo sapiens use their natural environment as gym in efforts of staying fit and maintaining physical conditioning necessary for survival; particularly for successful hunting and gathering. Their daily activities naturally provide...



Primal Primer 14 (Nutrition) Human ancestors were not particularly consistent with the types of foods, amounts, or times of fueling. Largely due to the chaotic nature of the last thousands of years, nutrient consumption was highly varied and opportunistic; determined...

Cave Daily Log

Cave Daily Log

Unlock Your Primal Potential Cave Daily Log 2.0Download My fingers grasp at the thick, worn twine netting, pinching with my nails, tugging to loosen the knots tying the net to its metal scaffolding. The late afternoon California sun beats down, and my patience starts...

Time Log

Time Log

Primal Primer 14 (Mentality) Ancient sapiens developed various methods for marking the passing of time; playing a crucial role organizing life amongst the chaos of antiquity. Although without clock or calendar, uses of natural cues and observations facilitated time...

Sweat Till You’re Wet

Sweat Till You’re Wet

Primal Primer 14 (Modality) Homo sapiens have a unique adaptation among mammals that is crucial to survival and success: the ability to sweat profusely. This ability of sweating intensely plays role in thermoregulation, allowing humans to maintain stable core body...

Food Label Reading

Food Label Reading

Primal Primer 13 (Nutrition) It is only in recent history that food fabrication has removed nutrition from its natural and pristine source. Our ancestors did not require food labels or proudly displayed badges on packaging to know if something was for human...

Reflective Tool Use

Reflective Tool Use

Primal Primer 13 (Mentality) The discovery of using reflective properties of water was adapted long before the modern mirror. This ability to discern our self image as distinct and in arguably objective assessment provides insights and meditations on the connection of...

Anaerobic Training

Anaerobic Training

Primal Primer 13 (Modality) Anaerobic activity was a natural and essential part of the daily lives of past sapiens. While much of the focus on their physical activity is often endurance and aerobic (long distance walking, jogging, or rucking), anaerobic activities...

The Armor of Truth

The Armor of Truth

Using Numbers to Combat Life's Deceptions It’s a cool, late summer morning in Northern California. I’m sitting on my outdoor patio, overlooking the calm waters of my swimming pool. The sun has just broken through the delta fog, warming my skin and awakening my mind...

Ally Development

Ally Development

Primal Primer 12 (Modality) Forming alliances and social bonds plays a significant role in survival and advancement of human societies. Cooperative Hunting & Gathering - Cooperation is essential for hunting, gathering, and protecting resources. Allies share the...

Time Under Tension

Time Under Tension

Primal Primer 12 (Modality) The concept of time under tension is a principle widely recognized in modern strength training; referring to the duration muscles are under strain during exercise. While TUT is a modern phase, it's underlying principle was inherently...



Primal Primer 11 (Nutrition) As our progenitor species transitioned from aboral and quadruped, diets also shifted from primarily bugs, fruits, and vegetation to heavier concentrations of carbohydrates. ~10,000 years ago the sapien's radii of hunting and gathering...

Path Finding

Path Finding

Primal Primer 11 (Mentality) Our human ancestors found purpose through a combination of survival instincts, social connections, and a deep relationship with their environment. Their sense of purpose was likely tied to activities essential for their survival and well...



Primal Primer 11 (Modality) Our ancestors likely used calisthenic like movements for survival, even if they weren't consciously performing exercises as we understand them today. Hunting & Gathering - Functional movements like running, climbing, squatting, and...



Primal Primer 10 (Nutrition) As our progenitor species transitioned from aboral and quadruped, diets also shifted from primarily bugs, fruits, and vegetation to heavier concentrations of animal sources. Introducing a more protein forward dietary landscape continues to...

Self Talk

Self Talk

Primal Primer 10 (Mentality) Thousands of years ago, the world was an incredibly dangerous place; and our ancestors found safety in banding together. However, during solo reprieve, it can be assumed that sapiens engaged in the act of self talk; fully taking advantage...

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